originally posted in:A R D E N T
Anyone who posts anything on a forum does it for attention. No one posts with the intention of being ignored. The fact that you've made so many alts and keep coming back to this site really suggests you like the attention you get from being so abrasive. It's alright, too. I like your gimmick, I think overall, you're a funny user.
I come here for entertainment, not attention. I enjoy reading people's response to my comments and occasionally -blam!-ing with them. As I stated earlier, being brutally honest is not a gimmick, it's a personality trait. Yes, I do have more of a filter in real life where people should take what you say more seriously.
Playing it up just for the forums might be wading into gimmicky waters, but eh, if you say so, I won't argue. I suppose that is a fair enough explanation.