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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
3/9/2017 9:49:12 PM

[b][i]Chapter One - The Arrival[/i][/b] [i]The cosmos.[/i] [i]Deep, endless and yet, filled with anomalies, stars and worlds that span across it's vast depths for billions and billions of light years. The darkness of space remained still and motionless, it's dark vacuum faintly gleaming with the occasional star within it's depths.[/i] [i]Before a rift appeared.[/i] [i]The rift began with a sudden BOOM!, which sounded across the planets near the opening rift - including Tatakai. The anomaly began to widen, as an endless pit of darkness opened within the vacuum of space. And out of it, a gargantuan ship of tangled metal, massive thrusters propelling it out of the wormhole as the dreadnaught exited the hole within reality quickly. It's deep hum was restless and continuous within space, as the ship began to direct it's course straight towards the world of Tatakai.[/i] [i]And somewhere aboard the dreadnaught was the Boundless One. The Slave Without Chains. The Machine God.[/i] [i]Althreath.[/i] --------------------------- [b][i]Tatakoi Plains, 6:30 PM[/i][/b] "Come on, come on-" "We need to move, now-" "Wake up, wake up-" "ARIANNA!" [i]Arianna suddenly woke with a jolt of movement, as a slight yell escaped her mouth. She looked around in a flurry of movements - before resting her eyes upon her dæmon, Achreíos, who was nudging her left arm furiously.[/i] [i]If one could describe Arianna, you could assume almost immediately that she was the traveling type, even at her young age. The young woman was about eighteen or nineteen, judging from her appearance, while her overall height was six feet and three inches tall. A lavish grey overcoat was cast over her thin, yet athletic body, while a black buttoned shirt was underneath that. The dress pants that she wore were covered in dirt, although she didn't care too much, as she began to strap on her leather boots and gloves onto her feet and hands. Her skin was a pale color, her eyes a light blue color. After applying her huntress bandana over her mouth and the tattered tri-corne hat that she was familiar with, alongside grabbing her gear which was stuffed within a large duffel bag, she stumbled out of her small tent, and into the field that she and her dæmon had settled upon.[/i] [i]To describe Achreíos in particular...well, his biography will be available shortly, to explain what a dæmon truly is. He was merely a twenty-four inch long pine marten, a type of mammal usually found within Europe and Asia. His red-gold fur gleamed in the last remnants of sunlight, his light blue eyes flickering with the same curiosity that was within Arianna's.[/i] [i]The twenty-four inch long pine marten exited the tent after his human, as she only stared up at the sky. Blotting out the sun was a massive triangular ship, it's thick shape beginning to blur as if didn't even fully exist in reality. Hundreds of orb-like beings began to appear within the skies of Tatakai, as Achreíos only yelled to Arianna as he found himself upon her shoulder. [/i] "The Dojo, Arianna! They'll be capable of destroying him!" [i]He squeaked, before descending into her grey coat's pocket as she began to run straight towards the Dojo.[/i] [i]She wouldn't make it in time on her own.[/i] --------------------------- [b][i]Dojoville[/i][/b] [i]The magnifying sounds of gunfire and steel clashing against steel rang throughout the city of Dojoville, as massive orb-like machines began to tear throughout the skies, ripping through space and time as they proceeded to deploy hundreds - maybe thousands - of robotic beings, each wielding either fully automatic ballistic-firing guns or vibrant blue energy bows. They only appeared to keep arriving, as to finish the invading force-[/i] [i]A behemoth of a creature slammed down, before crawling from the rubble of the home it had fallen into.[/i] [i]The twenty-five foot tall monstrosity of metal rose as dust fell from it's jagged body, letting out a roar of murderous intention as a deep blue shield covered it's body. It's hulking body consisted of titanium and magnesium, as it began to tear it's way throughout the city of Dojoville. The members of the Dojo had to react, and quickly - before the Titan and it's forces tore through everything in their wake.[/i] ((All three are open, but please mention which post you will reply to.)) ((The power of these characters/enemies will match your character's power - however, they will be powerful compared to yours no matter what. This isn't a plot that you can just tear your way through like some goddamn Dark Souls game, hue hue.))

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  • [spoiler]I'll also make a post for one[/spoiler] Korsis detected the change in the fabric of space almost immediately and calculated how far away it was in a matter of seconds. "I don't sense anything else, unless..." His eyes widened in fear as he realized just who had created the rift. "Impossible..." He was gone in a flash of red light and reappeared on Althreath's dreadnought. [spoiler]Probably Korsis's end...[/spoiler]

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    [i]As soon as Korsis appeared-[/i] [b][i]"YOU DARE?"[/i][/b] [i]-He was suddenly torn through reality once more, flashes of deep orange and red blinding his eyesight, as mangled, robotic screams of agony ran through his ears-[/i] [i]Korsis found himself in an endless abyss of a room. The floor was dust and grey, ash spiraling through the alternate reality as stars faintly gleamed in the distance. Giant rock structures were upon the landscape that he stood upon. It was an entirely different world..[/i] [i]A flash of deep orange light engulfed his eyesight once more, as a ten-foot tall being slammed into the ground about fifteen feet in front of him. Deep orange light gleamed out of the cracks and crevices of the being's armor - no, skin - it's very body was made of a mixture of magnesium, titanium, carbon, ceramic, adamantium...[/i] [b]"You would dare to abandon your so-called allies...and face me, mortal? I will rip the flesh from your bones, and feed whatever remains of you to the World Eater - surrender, filth."[/b]

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  • "I do not fear death, Althreath. The only thing I fear is Garin." He ignited his sabers and slammed their hilts together. The hilts fused, and Korsis now had a dual-bladed saber. "So c'mon... Give me all you've got..."

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    [b]"You will suffer a fate worse than death."[/b] [i]Althreath allowed a metallic roar of hate escape his metallic throat, as a greatsword formed within his right hand. Darkness ensued from it's jagged blade, as he began to approach silently.[/i]

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  • "Peace is a lie, there is only passion." Lightning began to crackle around Korsis. "Through passion, I gain strength." A bubble of Force energy began to form around him and raise him into the air. "Through strength, I gain power." Korsis spun his blade in a repeating circle as Force Lightning began to collect around the blades. "Through power, I gain victory." Korsis now stood eye to eye with Althreath and raised his blade. "Through victory, my chains are broken." He removed his hood to reveal a 27-year-old man with a scar across his neck. His eyes burned yellow. "The Force shall free me."

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    [i]A cackle of malice escaped Althreath's metallic jaw, a roar of laughter soon following it as he aimed the massive sword towards his enemy.[/i] [b]"Today, I shall stain the ground of my reality with the corrupted blood of a Sith!"[/b] [i]He continued to approach, waiting for an opportunity to attack.[/i]

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  • "You may, if you can gather the balls to go to Tatakai yourself." And Korsis was gone in an instant, leave no nothing behind. As the saying goes, a good general knows when to surrender.

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    [i]Yet none escape from the wrath of Althreath.[/i] [i]Korsis was immediately pulled back in, his face slammed into the dusty flooring as Althreath cackled.[/i] [b]"You thought you could run...from a God?"[/b] [i]Althreath slammed his foot into Korsis' back, laughing devilishly as dark matter surrounded his arms.[/i]

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  • Korsis rolled before his foot hit his back and cut into Althreath's leg. "If you can make a god bleed, people will lose faith in him." Korsis released a torrent of electricity into Althreath's machine body, hoping to fry him.

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    [i]No blood gushed from the metallic wound, as nanites only began to repair it. Althreath stared upon the electricity as it coursed through his body, dark matter immediately extinguishing it. He waved his hand-[/i] [i]-a kick from behind knocked Korsis into a pillar, as Althreath appeared behind him.[/i] [b]"I could do this all day. Every second, another wound for you. Every minute, another death. I can revive you, over and over and over. I can torture you for all eternity. You are hopeless."[/b]

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  • "That may be true, but every second here is a second that you're not paying attention to the fleet that has surrounded your ship."

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  • [spoiler]bitch I will use my ebin Ork army to wipe yours out[/spoiler]

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    ((Come at me modafuka))

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  • [spoiler]choosing arianna[/spoiler] [i]the sound heavy footsteps and a jingling metal is heard behind her quickly gaining as very large chimera with rust colored fur runs into view. on top of its massive shoulders sits a blonde hair girl weilding a giant pair of scissors. The girl is a lot older than she looks despite her small size. The chimera thats on slows down when it passes her. The girl notices her looking her with blue eyes she shouts to her.[/i] "You climb on fluffy's back its fast on four legs instead two" [i]the chimera stops completely giving her the choice to climb on or not.[/i]

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    [i]Arianna didn't waste any time at all, as she held her bag tightly and clambered onto the chimera, stationing herself upon the being of mythological proportions as her pine marten Achreíos exited her pocket.[/i] "To the Dojo, quickly!" [i]He squeaked to the driver, his claws digging into the fur of the chimera in an attempt to stabilize himself completely.[/i]

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  • "Hang on its gonna get bumpy"she says [i] massive chimera wastes no time taking off in a dead run not stopping until they the dojo. The beast was surprisingly fast like it knew there waste time to waste. It made there in no time flat sliding to a stop close to the gates. The girl pats its large head and hops down.[/i]

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    "Thank you! Can you direct me to the Sensei's?! It's urgent!" [i]Arianna questioned as she leaped off of the back of the great creature, as the battlefront continued to escalate down below the Dojo. Bolts of energy and gunfire flew through the ashy skies, smoke bellowing from buildings and such.[/i]

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  • "Yeah i can follow me "says the girl. [i]she starts running on her short little legs but shes surprisingly fast. As she starts running down one of the paths. She was very alert to her surroundings because of all the loud noises.[/i]

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    [i]Warminds began to appear above the girl and Arianna as they sprinted through Dojoville, raining down bursts of anti-matter upon them.[/i] "You get out of here, I can get to the Sensei's! Thank you - for everything!"

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  • "Oh okay if you need anything esle just whistle and i'll come to your aid miss."says the girl [i]she then pulls something from her pocket then instantly disappears with a grin on her face. Leaving her alone to deal with the onslaught. [/i]

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  • Edited by A Stormy Dio: 3/10/2017 12:12:23 AM
    [spoiler]I'll take Arianna. The more help, the merrier.[/spoiler] The revving of a motorcycle is heard from behind Arianna, the motorcycle itself being a mixture of blue and yellow. As for the driver? She seemed to have blonde hair, with the addition of a black and white checkered scarf, a white jean jacket, a black shirt underneath, black combat pants, and black sneakers. A blue, black and white gun laid on the belt she was wearing.

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    [i]Arianna didn't stop to look back at the driver as she only continued to run, but the creature within her pocket certainly did: he suddenly poked his head out, speaking quietly to the young woman that was carrying him to the Dojo.[/i] "Motorcycle - armed with a gun. Female. She could help!" [I]Arianna ignored this however, due to her own personal paranoia. She didn't trust too many people at the moment...[/i]

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  • "Note to self; don't think that everyone will notice someone riding a motorcycle. Also, don't expect everyone to remember what a Kamen Rider is..." the female whispered to herself, as she drove up to Arianna, and matched her running speed on Kara's motorcycle. "You need a lift? 'Cause I have some guy feeling you know about the giant floating ship covering the Dojo right now." The Rider had said to Arianna.

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  • Edited by Orn: 3/10/2017 12:21:48 PM
    "Yes, I do - Thank you!" [i]Arianna hopped onto the bike with as much dexterity as she could, the small creature slinking back into the depths of her pocket as the young woman stared out into the distance.[/i] [i]Gunfire and bolts of energy flew through the skies as the forces of Althreath and the Dojo collided, the sun being literally blotted out by a massive triangular ship in the skies. It would truly be one hell of a battle..[/i]

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  • " wanna fly up there or teleport inside? Because either way, we're gonna HAVE to fight something up there." Kara had said to Arianna, pulling out her DiendDriver.

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