Something kills you = Automatically needs nerf. Seriously? Are you people really that low?
Just because it's effective doesn't mean it's a crutch.
Grow a pair and stop ruining this game with your godawful crying.
And always remember...
Josh Hamrick hates fun.
I agree with you to some degree... but the "whole community" doesnt do it, its maily the small minority of the feedback community of a few hundred who speak for the couple thousands of players when they demand "(insert here) needs a nerf!!" Bungie listens because when you get overwhelming negitive feedback on something, it needs to be changed. The problem stems from the community, they irresponsiblely give negitive feedback and its become a weapon itself. Whenever something shows potential, people either conform or conflict with it, the rational few [b]adapt[/b] with it. Those who conform are called the "crutch loving meta-slaves" and those who conflict with it are called the "nerf herding crucible cry-babies"