[spoiler]The Omni-gel or the key?[/spoiler]
After the winding process was complete, the key ejected from its port. The ticking returned, and the gears on the shoulders began to spin rapidly. A slight series of plinking came from the head, as though a music box was playing. The song subsided, and the machine climbed to its feet, regarding the soldier. "Gre-eet, N-7, Hu-human. Thank-ank you fo-r wi-ind-inding me. I-I am etern-eter-eternally in-in-in yo-ur debt." The machine stuttered out, nodding.
"Uh yeah. Just don't call me N7. Roy will do. Or sensei."
"Ve-er-er-ry well, Ro-y. It is-is-is a ple-as-pleasure to m-eet yo-u. I am o-ft-en referred to a-s-" Roy's translator didn't quite pick the name up. The various mechanical eyes blinked.
"I'll call you Clock Meister. Is that alright with you?"
"D-do yo-u wi-i-i-sh to-o b-e calle-called Me-at Sac-k?"
"Yeah sure go for it. Reminds of an old game."
The machine blinked. Then cocked it's head. "Per-per-perhap-s that carr-rr-rries little me-aning t-o y-y-you. C-cloc-k Mi-est-er i-s conside-red high-ly-ly in-insens-itive amon-g-g-g my peo-ple."
"Oh sorry. How about Mechanist?"
"Th-a-that is 59 Ti-me-s more accurat-accurate. It will su-ff-ff-ff-ff-ice." The machine walked into the Dojo, much more graceful in movement than in voice. [spoiler]End[/spoiler]