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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Orn: 3/12/2017 4:47:26 AM

[b]Chapter One (and a half) - The World Eater[/b] [b][i]Dojoville, 8:30 PM[/i][/b] "FOR THE DOJO!!" [i]A yell of leadership rang out above all of the gunfire and metallic screaming of Althreath's troops, as the battle only escalated into an even worse state. With the Titan Mercury still standing, now pushing even farther into the Dojo even with the resisting forces and the two-hundred foot tall Rider, the fight would probably continue until morning-[/i] [b][i]BOOM![/i][/b] [b][i][u]"...GRAAAGH..."[/u][/i][/b] [i]A booming roar suddenly covered the landscape of Tatakai - as a looming shadow appeared in the distance, a couple of miles away from Dojoville to be specific.[/i] [i]The hulking menace rose from the dust that it had caused with it's arrival, rising to a height of over six-hundred feet in total. It's armor was ancient, yet expertly crafted as well - two dull maroon eyes were present upon its head. It wielded no weapons, as it's chestpiece began to swirl and churn with energy.[/i] [i]The World Eater began to approach...[/i] [b][i]The Dojo Mountain[/i][/b] "Tesuto?! Royal!! Shadow, Zane - ANYONE?!" [i]Arianna yelled out, sprinting to the Dojo monastery as fast as she could, her dæmon Achreíos sprinting after her as fast as his nimble feet would allow him to. The two eventually reached the entrance that lead into the place, as Arianna slammed her fist painfully upon the doorway.[/i] ((Open to Dio, Sensei's, and anyone who wants to take on the World Eater. Hue.))

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  • Shadow looked down from over the ramparts of the wall to look at the frantic girl. "What? I'm sunbathing."

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  • [spoiler]one hell of a way to come back I guess[/spoiler] [b]there is a faint rattle as mulligan appears in a puff of black smoke, still a skeleton, and still cool as hell, wearing his standard black trench coat and reading glasses, a large pole-arm in his right hand, his cybernetic lower half making low humming and whirring noises[/b] Ah, so good to be back, I suppose your the world eater?....

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  • [spoiler]HUZZAH![/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]how ya been buddy?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Pretty bad, actually. I don't want to go into details.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]ok....sorry to here that[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Might as well try.[/spoiler] *Mortar was standing at the bar with some civilians trying to have fun for his Anniversary as it flew past the bar. Dropping his beer and readying his sword, he jumps up, trying to follow it*

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  • [spoiler]ANOTHER HUZZAH![/spoiler]

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  • "These imbeciles need help, Thel." "I know. Ready all starboard cannons." The [i]Master of Reality[/i] sat in low orbit above and readied it's plasma cannons. "Prepare to fire."

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    [i]The World-Eater was taking on both Tesuto, a twenty-foot story tall Rider, and the Mechanist at once. It was completely distracted, it's attention focused upon those three.[/i]

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  • "Fire, but make sure you don't hit any of ours." Three bursts of plasma ripped through the atmosphere and slammed into the World Eater.

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    [i]The beams of plasma propelled towards the World-Eater, beginning to-[/i] [i]When suddenly-[/i] [i]-Portals of dark matter tore through reality, re-directing the beams towards the three targeting the World-Eater.[/i]

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  • "What?!" The Arbiter opened a comm channel to Tesuto. "Tesuto, move!" [spoiler]Dude....[/spoiler] [spoiler]I hate Althreath even more...[/spoiler]

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  • ((Can we not have the Dojo be invaded for at least another -blam!-ing week?))

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  • I'm fine with it. Orn is one of the few people who actually knows how to do it.

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  • My point is that every week some knucklehead invades the damn Dojo.

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  • Ya man lmao. It's cuz this is the only place they can TRULY PvP. But I get where you are coming from for sure!

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  • >truly pvp Pants pls

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  • Everywhere else you get absolutely trashed on for not making a -blam!-ing book of a reply. Sorry when I say this, but that's not how you do it. Even then most other RP's are focused on PvE and agent characters do fights they have a Pre-determined outcome

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  • Actually Pants. People just expect people to not one line in other RPs. A lot of people agree that too much detail is annoying. But people would like just some details instead of just [i]swings sword at _____[/i] And you don't really get trashed on for doing one liners sometimes, I mean we all occasionally do that. But in fights for example, it's annoying as hell. As for the whole predetermined outcome shit, of course that's a thing. Look at your twilight plot that went on for god knows how long, we all knew the good guys were gonna win. The fun in plots or fights is not the outcome, but how it is done.

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  • Edited by Inflatablepants: 3/14/2017 12:26:06 PM
    That's true. But in the end once something has an outcome it's no longer PvP. It's PvE. My twilight quest was PvE. Also obviously one liners are not appreciated in fights. But writing eight paragraphs for one move is annoying as well. The best way to fight is to have a singular move that's well described over a paragraph or two. So still, this is the best place to PvP in my own opinion from what I've seen.

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  • That is literally what I just said. Wouldn't technically everything be a PvE if a determined outcome was in sight? Let's say I had a person captured and I was given permission to kill them on the spot. Is that PvE? No. A predetermined outcome would be like the shit Phantom pulled in Vigilance in RPL with the whole Delrose killed Kalamity business. There are actually many ways to go through and end a plot. Hell, most aren't even predetermined. June Bellicose is one good example of that. If it's predetermined, usually the plot OP will try to steer people on track or Rocks Fall Everyone Dies. Which is 99% never the case.

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  • I suppose, yes. But we are sort of steering away from the actual argument lol. I still think the dojo is one of if not the only place where you can truly PvP with other people's characters.

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  • Aight mate lol.

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    ((Can you create a semi-interesting character or plot?))

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