*Burps* So I was watching Fateful Findings by Neil Breen on YouTube (great movie, by the way, check it out), and I thought it'd be nice if I shared my copy of AM2R instead of just letting it collect dust in my Google Drive. When I tested the link, it said that the it couldn't load the preview, but I was still able to download it after accepting thew prompt regarding the file size and the inability to scan the file due to said file size. However, before uploading the file to my drive, and before making the link, I scanned the file myself for viruses, along with my computer, just to be safe. Nothing came up, so I'm pretty sure everything is okay. With all that said, enjoy!
Have a *burps* nice day!
I got mine when released it. To bad he didn't get to finish his work he was planning on adding some cool stuff