I was pretty excited for it and I can see why everybody loves it so much. Especially the part where you have to fight armies of Vex during the beginning.
My friends were freaking out too, because I got "Fatebringer" and "Praedyth's Timepiece", so that was pretty funny when I got their reactions. Kind of like relics of the past that I've seen on YouTube and even wondered what the big deal about Elemental Primaries were, until now, that is. They hated me at first (in a laughing way.) when it dropped, and again after we fought the Minotaurs in front of that BEAUTIFUL glass triangle.
Unfortunately, we never got to finish the raid, but we do have a checkpoint on Atheon that needs finishing tonight. He is one tough dude, but we have a lot of "No Time to Explain's" riding on this. Heck, I wouldn't mind the Exotic Mytho but that's asking too much. Haha
Anyways, it was super fun and definitely got my spirits up for the upcoming Age of Triumph event! I hope everybody gets what they want out of their individual raids when the time comes! Long live Destiny!
[spoiler]I'll equip the Fatebringer on my Titan, as I'm currently playing as my Warlock at the moment.[/spoiler]
Edit: I can't believe this started trending as much as it did. Wow. Thanks for the entertaining comments!
(P.S. I had a group of players help me get through Wrath of the Machine a couple nights ago as well. It was also my first time doing that raid and we actually did it on Hard Mode with the Vosik challenge!
Many thanks to them for that and many thanks for the positive support from all of you on this post! :) )
I almost got kicked from my first raid team because I got fatebringer and vex on my first completion