Don't be. Use them. They're awesome
Delete this, delete this, delete this! Bungie will nerf them otherwise! You know its true
Edited by chancelorsmOke: 3/20/2017 2:25:03 PMYou have to completely change you style of play to be successful with them though. You almost have to use them like a sniper rifle because if you get within medium range of most of the guns being used now you are done..This is why I think medium rate of fire scouts are a little better for PvP because that higher rate of fire gives you more of a chance in cq.
Hand of Judgment with perfect balance, high caliber rounds and third eye on my titan. About as good as it gets for high impact scout. Third eye and hcr is a good synergy to have for medium cq battles. Third eye allows you to stay in ads so you'll most likely get the first shot off and if you hit your first shot to the head the hcr kicks in.
Made a new account and lost that awesome stock roll colovance. Thank god for age of triumph
As much as I love Scout Rifles, here's why you don't use High Impact Scouts; Medium Impact Hand Cannons deal [b]higher damage than them while firing 2.5x faster.[/b] There's no reason to use anything but a Hand Cannon right now. Specifically Palin/Eyas.
Suros DIS-43 is a wrecking ball
Edited by Nephilhim: 3/18/2017 10:25:32 PMHand of judgement with perfect balance, third eye (or Firefly), high cal is my favorite. People don't know what they are getting hit by just flee in terror from the hits
Eh the badger ccl's fire rate makes me sick
If anyone still has the old trials scout "The Scholar" I highly recommend it. It may be low light but it melts people. The outlaw to reactive reload makes this a two tapping beast. Best scout in the game.
Edited by KllerJ: 3/19/2017 10:48:01 PMIf you're skeptical about blood farts don't be they're awesome
The Scholar tho
Gheleon's Demise with Luck in the Chamber, Hand-laid stock and Crowd Control. Red Dot-OAS sights for the cherry on top of this ass kickin' sundae.
I want to watch the video and stay positive, but I can not get over [b]you"re[/b] title.
My Y1 Gheleon's is still a monster.. Might re roll it today tho..
Why has nobody mentioned chaos dogma? Due to barrel perks that increase impact it can kill in 2 headshots 1 body shot And it even has a forgiving 1.2 second bodyshot only ttk Best high impact scout hands down. Imo.
I don't even have one man :/
Ever since y1 when I got my 1st CCL, I've been in love with the archetype. People are missing out.
Yeah like Lingering Song, that is a sweet high impact scout! JK well it is a Hand Cannon that feels like a Scout at times. LOL My favorite scout is my Cocytus SR4 with Triple Tap, Extended Mag, and Firefly for PVE.
Edited by CaptainW1nky: 3/19/2017 11:38:03 AMBecause if I want to play really far back I'll use a sniper with a ttk of .000 not a slow 3 tap to the head scout. To recap let's see here. You camped.... you even popped a bubble at one point capped the point 2 or 3 of your teammates were in the bubble with you with one enemy literally standing infront of you wanting any one of you to come fight him you stepped out one time with blessings on got shot twice by him almost died while he still had full health and you ran away then stayed in the bubble afraid to come out because of..... 1 guy lol. That scout must be a monster if it can't handle one guy. Your really slow at sniping to btw
Yes yes. I prefer high impact pulses though.
I love colovance's duty. If you can keep your range it's really good. Still use the first vendor roll.
Colovance FTW. All the impact of a Jade Rabbit, 8 more rounds, and your exotic slot clear. Badger's nice, too. And Variks has a nifty one with chroma in it.
I use the Jade Rabbit and it can kill people in three bullets from across long range maps. I even use it close quarters. It's not always the answer of course, but high impact scouts are very much amazing if you have a quick aim.
How's High Caliber Rounds on high impact scouts? I have his vendor roll from the video but I also have one with CC+HCR+Outlaw. Does HCR cause a lot of flinch on high impact scouts? I know it's still kind of trash on mid impact ones.
My main for a while now has been Duty with Zen Moment, Outlaw and Hand Laid Stock. Its stable as a rock and keeps the killing flowing as long as I hit precision.