Touch the untouchable
Break the unbreakable
Row Row Fight the Power
Cook the uncookable
Fix the unfixable
Row Row Pass the Flour
Pick the unpickable
Clean the uncleanable
Bro Bro Take a Shower
Destroy the undestroyable
Kill the unkillable
Whoa Whoa Have the Power
Race the unraceable
Time the untimeable
Whoa Whoa Endless Hour
Form the unformable
Build the Unbuilable
Whoa Whoa Enormous Tower
Trace the untraceable
Track the untrackable
Whoa Whoa Hunting Hour
See the unseeable
Speak the unspeakable
Row Row Scan the Power
Touch the untouchable
Break the unbreakable
[spoiler]Row Row Fight the Power.[/spoiler]