You know, in this country, we pay for soldiers to go to college, and that's generally okay with the people who are normally against the idea of free tuition, so I want to strike a compromise that I think you will also agree with.
See, we allow our soldiers (even in the reserves HA!) to go to college because they provide us with a very vital service, ensuring the safety of this beautiful country. Without all the soldiers in school, we would never be able to defend ourselves. All those textbooks we pay for are actually better than Kevlar at absorbing bullet damage. Because nothing can damage knowledge, and knowledge is all powerful.
Now, I would also argue we owe another group of people the gift of a college education. We pay for the people who volunteer to defend this country, so we should also pay for the people who were forced against their will to build it.
In fact, I would argue that not only is it morally right, but blacks deserve to have their college tuition paid for, as we made them work for free, and they are the ones who built this country.
And before anyone says something silly like, "not all blacks come from slave families," my response would be that not every military personal gets deployed, but we still pay for their college tuition.
Furthermore, if you disagree, by logical extension, that means you feel as though that we should not be paying the tuition of our military personal.
The responses itt are proof of why you're the best.