Yes, I'm referring to nobody other than the main Character who did have a voice at some point, suddenly came to a stop, and we never spoke again.
I don't know whether this was out of the lack of time considering all the last minute changes Bungie had to reinforce before Destiny was released or out of the cheapness of not wanting to hire people to voice them.
I love destiny! But it makes me feel stupid when I do some of the missions sometimes and the Ghost responds to every single thing that's going on and our guardian is just there completely mute, like how can he not want to say anything even while he's killing gods or stuck in the tightest spots. Its always the ghost who tries to make humorous comebacks and as much as I appreciate that I feel like it just ruins most situations. Especially the intense parts of the game.
My character feels like more of a slave than an actual guardian who has done so much. His/her voice should just be as equally tingling as the speakers, I mean after everything we've done... come on.
I just hope they take the time to make our characters in Destiny 2 have their own voice and opinions about everything that's going on.
Where do you guys stand?
So a lot of you guys are okay with the character not saying anything, I didn't really mean our character needs to say oh shit I'm going back to orbit in the middle of a strike or something. Lol
I mean like in missions where he's actually sneaking into the dreadnought and he's on open communication with the Vanguard and Eris, discussions are going on and our ghost replies to every single thing. That's just ridiculous to me personally.
Like he had nothing to say when the ships invisibility failed? Lol idk... like I said, it might just be me, most of you are already used to other games that don't really have any sort of communication going across with the main character.
I agree entirely that our characters deserve to have their voices back in destiny 2 they had voices before they need to have them now why is it soo bloody hard for bungie to rehire the voice actors the races had before.
If a character without a voice blood farts in the woods does it make a sound?
I don't like to say it but I think you may have missed the point. To me the character should never have said anything, it's part of Destiny's problem, you are the character, the story which so many seemed to have missed in destiny, is your story, how you became legend. The grimoire and lore is exactly what it should be, an accessory, a history, to your story, how the world ended up in the state it is in before your story starts. I think they nailed it, I just think people lack the intelligence to realise it.
Edited by DarkEraser: 12/18/2017 4:40:44 AMThey want to become the new. Favorite thing to say is [spoiler]..................[/spoiler]
I just wanna bang Miranda like i did in Mass Effect.
It's laziness from where I stand. They decided to not bring back the people who played the guardian for each gender (maybe race, not sure if that differs) and just gave all the exposition to Ghost. It irritated me to no end seeing the guardian have no voice after the initial story, cause what is the bloody point of them having a voice at all if they are just going to take it after the Vanilla content is done? But again as far as I see it, it all boils down to simple laziness from the devs cause they provide no rhyme or reason for why the guardian suddenly became mute after the initial story. It's stupid really
I think they decided to go for the silent protagonist since Destiny is about [u]your[/u] own personal [u]legend[/u]. Having a protagonist that [u]you[/u] created speak could've been considered as bad because it breaks the feeling that [u]this is your Guardian[/u]. Kind of the reason why you will never see Link in the Legend of Zelda speak, because the devs wants you to feel like you are him. (He spoke at one point in an older game, but it was a disaster so they stopped it.) I think Bungie felt like having a silent protagonist would be better for the rest of the game, but I could be wrong and I now by now nobody really cares about having that haha.
I don't really like the idea of the guardian being voiced. Personally, this is my character, I don't want bungie to impose a voice on him. I want to be able to identify as my character. I want to be given the illusion that what is happening in the game isn't being done by my character, but by me. The 2 or 3 cutscenes where your guardian does talk always felt out of place.
It depends. Honestly I would like to see more conversations between our Guardians and NPCs. But on the other hand I absolutely hate games where the devs make your character narrate everything like they're playing a part in some cheesy Nior film. Of course adding in a voice might also break the relation between a person's self and their character. You might imagine your Hunter is a level-headed tactician, but Bungie shoves the cocky hot-shot personality down your throat because that's what they believe Hunters are like. While I don't enjoy our Guardians being wholly mute for the most part I do appreciate not have a pre-defined character shoved down my throat without my consent. Though what I find more annoying than that is having someone speak for me, Ghost is infuriating to the extreme in that regard and the desire for my character to speak up only to tell him to shut up often accompanies that feeling. To sum it all up: I'm all for more conversation if it doesn't take my character (what little there is) away from me. And, Ghost, please shut up.
I fell in love with the connection between BT and Cooper in Titanfall 2. Something like that would be perfect for Destiny because if we're realistic, Mass Effect level of conversationing is not possible
All the dialogue they have is a reason to shoot stuff, some concern from the ghost and a little between characters. There is very little for character development. Our character needs to talk more. The speaker needs to talk more. The Exo stranger needs more time to explain some shit. We need other guardians/characters talking. In the base game every character has such little dialogue. Ex. The queens brother. Because of what little dialouge he had along with no character development he seemed like a douche that everyone wanted to shoot in the mouth.
It's better that our guardian would have some character at least. That's kinda why I still like the first story. Our character actually did something other than shoot at whatever he's told to shoot.
Edited by Talia Sendua: 3/19/2017 8:21:48 PMFirst, I said that earlier before you. And second, I agree. My Awoken has one of my favourite german syncronize speakers and I can just hear her voice in goddamn Y1 mission.... [spoiler]Makes me rage.[/spoiler] [spoiler]No, small light ;D[/spoiler] And for Destiny 2: I hope they add Dialogues like in Halo 5... You know "I have problems with this Enemie." and other stuff like this. Especially in Strikes it would make it more realistic.
I wish that our guardian spoke more. Even little things like call outs of higher level enemies. But I'd love it if they gave the ghost and guardian some back and fourth during missions and strikes. And that it (the dialog) would slightly differ between classes since their core personalities seem to be different
I wish our Guardians talked A LOT more, especially since we had such a short taste of it in the original story. Not sure about everyone else but I hate the ghost, if it could kindly shut up 95% of the time I'd be much happier keeping it around.
I prefer mute protagonists.
Edited by TheBeejAbides: 3/20/2017 3:08:33 AMi'd pay $4.99 microtransaction to have the guardian be voiced by Louis CK.
There really wasn't a coherent story, our character was probably just as confused as us
Meh I could care less the ghost could keep talking for all I care all I care about is the guns I get.
I'd rather have a quiet character than here some duke nukem type lines in my ear
I think the player character should have a bit more diolog because the goast response to everything diminishes the gravity of the situation every single time. Not that I don't like it, but I'd like an increase in the gravity of the situation by your gurdian, before I see it diminished.
I would like to have the option of using a dialogue wheel, much like in many other rpg or action oriented games where the main protagonist is faced with various tasks, opposition, or just in encounters of one sort or another... it is painfully stupid to not be able to communicate any feeling or thought about any interaction within the world whatsoever. using a wheel makes it so that you have even more choice as to how to respond to each interaction (see Dragon Age, The Witcher, Mass Effect). I would rather have that assigned to my d-pad that crap emotes that I never use. seriously, whoever thought that using the d-pad for emotes was a good idea deserves to ride the short bus for the rest of their time here. not allowing any other use for the d-pad was just as dumb. to be able to assign a quick ammo resupply, or to be able to switch between most used weapons, instead of having to go into the inventory for EVERYTHING. sheeit. Bungie needs to bring in a whole new team to make D2. true story, yeah, so back on track, not being able to talk, at all, was a cheap move. really, really, stupid. and that damned ghost running his mouth the whole damn time... at least it's not the dinklebot any more. that was getting hard to listen to. like grinding my teeth, yelling at the tv every time I knew he was about to say something, hard to listen to. and we can't say sheeit.
I just still hate the fact that everyone still calls us "Guardian". Like, do we really not have a name? Even if we forgot it when ghost resurrected us for the first time couldn't we have developed a name? Sure we get side names like "hive-bane" and such but it just breaks the immersion for me imo.
Edited by Syronck: 3/19/2017 1:28:58 PMI'll put it blunty. I don't care about my [i]character[/i]. I care about my [i]character's gear[/i]. And when that's the case, that tells me the character needs something so I care about them. Here's my stance on characters in games: I want them to have a voice, even if it's text. Though there are some exceptions to this, usually Nintendo games. Does it have to be [i]my[/i] voice to make me feel like it's me playing the game? No. My choices reflect that, not the voice. So give our characters a voice, because right now I could care less what happens to them. I care more about The Last Word than my character, and that says something because I despise the [i]very existence[/i] of that gun.
Problem is that they couldn't even get one vanilla voice actor (Dinkle-bot) to come back. You expect them to be able to gather up six (the human, Awoken, and Exo males and females had different actors)? They didn't bother, instead deciding to have Ghost speak for you, and beyond that you being the strong silent type. Hope they fix this in D2, even if it's just dialogue selection.
I thought you meant Link from Legend of Zelda. He spoke in Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil, then stopped for good reason.