So I've noticed caboose has had his work cut out for him in attempting to fix misunderstandings of our "movement", people seem to think that we want to ban politics, we don't, we just want the political posts to stop or slow down for a bit.
Recently though, I saw an idea that we could split off topic into two sub forums, one for politics, one for miscellaneous stuff, let me know what you think
[quote]So I've noticed caboose has had his work cut out for him in attempting to fix misunderstandings of our movement[/quote] Movement? Oh god. [quote]people seem to think that we want to ban politics, we don't, we just want the political posts to stop or slow down for a bit.[/quote] See HamletEnthusiast. The "Hide Post" option works well too. [quote]Recently though, I saw an idea that we could split off topic into two sub forums, one for politics, one for miscellaneous stuff, let me know what you think[/quote] Go to any one of these posts we get weekly asking this.