Yes, I'm referring to nobody other than the main Character who did have a voice at some point, suddenly came to a stop, and we never spoke again.
I don't know whether this was out of the lack of time considering all the last minute changes Bungie had to reinforce before Destiny was released or out of the cheapness of not wanting to hire people to voice them.
I love destiny! But it makes me feel stupid when I do some of the missions sometimes and the Ghost responds to every single thing that's going on and our guardian is just there completely mute, like how can he not want to say anything even while he's killing gods or stuck in the tightest spots. Its always the ghost who tries to make humorous comebacks and as much as I appreciate that I feel like it just ruins most situations. Especially the intense parts of the game.
My character feels like more of a slave than an actual guardian who has done so much. His/her voice should just be as equally tingling as the speakers, I mean after everything we've done... come on.
I just hope they take the time to make our characters in Destiny 2 have their own voice and opinions about everything that's going on.
Where do you guys stand?
So a lot of you guys are okay with the character not saying anything, I didn't really mean our character needs to say oh shit I'm going back to orbit in the middle of a strike or something. Lol
I mean like in missions where he's actually sneaking into the dreadnought and he's on open communication with the Vanguard and Eris, discussions are going on and our ghost replies to every single thing. That's just ridiculous to me personally.
Like he had nothing to say when the ships invisibility failed? Lol idk... like I said, it might just be me, most of you are already used to other games that don't really have any sort of communication going across with the main character.
It depends. Honestly I would like to see more conversations between our Guardians and NPCs. But on the other hand I absolutely hate games where the devs make your character narrate everything like they're playing a part in some cheesy Nior film. Of course adding in a voice might also break the relation between a person's self and their character. You might imagine your Hunter is a level-headed tactician, but Bungie shoves the cocky hot-shot personality down your throat because that's what they believe Hunters are like. While I don't enjoy our Guardians being wholly mute for the most part I do appreciate not have a pre-defined character shoved down my throat without my consent. Though what I find more annoying than that is having someone speak for me, Ghost is infuriating to the extreme in that regard and the desire for my character to speak up only to tell him to shut up often accompanies that feeling. To sum it all up: I'm all for more conversation if it doesn't take my character (what little there is) away from me. And, Ghost, please shut up.