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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
3/20/2017 12:21:16 PM
[u][i][b]I have to go[/b][/i][/u] [u][i]Mortar's house, 2300 hours[/i][/u] [i]Mortar wakes up in the middle of the night, his body drenched in sweat. He looks around, his clock reading 11:00 PM. He sighs, realizing that he had another one of those dreams. Mion, who was sleeping at the edge of the bed, also perked up, looking at Mortar.[/i] Mion: Again? Mortar: Yeah.. Mion: When are you going to stop being afraid of your father? I know you were dead, and he tortured you WHEN you were dead, but still, you need to face your problem. Mortar: I can't do that. Mion; Well, if you can't go there to kill him, I have another reason for you to go. [i]Mortar sighs, looking at a picture of him and Serenity.[/i] Mion: I know they really miss him. Mortar: Yes, I know. And the last thing I want is to let her... Let them... down. But... Since I died, the dreams had been much more intense. I... In honesty, I try to stay awake as much as possible to keep me from these dreams. Mion: Have you tried drugs? Mortar: No. I'm not going to drug myself. This is the dojo. Everyone is pretty much required to sleep lightly. I'm not going to sacrifice that to sleep comfortable. Mion: Fine, fine. Wanna walk around the forest then? [i]Mortar takes a moment, then nods. This could be good to get his mind away from everything, to possibly relax a little.[/i] Mion: Great. Let's go. [i]Mion jumps out of bed, Mortar closely following. Mortar gets on his "Super suit" and walks after Mion.[/i] [spoiler]open[/spoiler]

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  • Also somewhere in the woods, Furture Quincy, who was still stuck here as his ship fixed itself, was out and about, dressed in a black turtle neck sweater and grey cargo pants, his paws bare against the ground. He had lost all feeling in them anyway, whats the point in shoes? Anyhow, he had his hands in his pockets as he saw Mortar and Mion, waving to them. He had never met Mion before, but Mortar was one of the first few he met when he arrived at the Dojo. For the present Quincy, it was a few months ago. For him, several decades.

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  • *Mortar looks over to Future Quincy and waves to him, walking up. Mion walks at his heels* Mortar: Hey, man. How are you?

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  • "Older, tired, and frankly rather mutual." he replied with a tired smile as he leaned against a tree.

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  • *Mortar nods, Mion jumping on his shoulder* Yeah, we all have those kinds of days

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  • "Could be worse.." he said, yawning as he started tracing circles on his arm with his finger, unaware. Mustve been a habit. "'ve you beed?" he asked, coughing into his elbow after asking.

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  • Mortar: Eh, could be better. But for the most part okay

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  • "That's good to hear, I suppose. Might I ask what brings you out on such a fine night?"

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  • Mortar: Well, I couldn't sleep... You see, I have... *He hesitates before continuing* Insomnia, like I have for the past few months, so I like to relax and take a walk outside.

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  • "Sounds...Interesting. Have you tried warm milk?" he asks, planning on going down the list of things that put him to sleep.

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  • Mortar: Once, but apparently that just gives me a weird stomach thing, and... Mion: Let's not go into detail...

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  • "Hmm..ever try counting sheep?" he asks, definitely going down the list now.

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  • Mortar: Sheep? Last time I did that I just craved lamb chop that night

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  • Q chuckled, knowing the feeling all too well. "Lets see..ever try a moose tranquilizer?"

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  • *Mortar chuckles slightly* Don't you have more interesting things to talk about other than my sleep patterns?

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  • He thinks for a moment checking his watch. "Well, at this hour I'm having kids in a hospital somewhere in Dojoville. Did I mention I'm from the future?"

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  • Wait, you're having kids? You're from the future? THAT is strange

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  • "Well, technically, yes to both, and the last thing as well." he said, shrugging. "My ship is under self-repair so I'm stuck here for the time."

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  • Mortar: Well, that kinda makes sense? Why come here?

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  • Edited by Orn: 3/24/2017 1:25:53 AM
    [i]Looming within the darkness of the forest was a solitary figurine, one that was lean yet athletic as well, feminine in design and tall in stature - at least six fast and three inches tall in total. The being was clad within a long dark coat, the cloth stained with deep crimson blood as if she had gone killing recently, while a buttoned shirt was underneath the jacket's layer. She wore a pair of tightly tied black leather pants, the rear covered by the coat's tail as her boots reached up to her ankles, tied tightly and covered with mud and scarlet liquid. A cape trailed over the left shoulder of her coat, as her sleeves reached down to meet a pair of tightly tied leather gloves. A pointed tri-corne hat rested upon the woman's head, black in design although a white pigeon's feather protruded from the backend.[/i] [i]Her facial appearance was sharp and angular, while her pale white skin gleaned within the moonlight, creases of age marking her beautiful, experienced face. Her light blue eyes shot towards Mortar as he approached, the icy pupils staring upon his frame as a grim smile crossed her face slowly, her pearly white teeth revealed faintly through light pink lips. The woman's long, silver-blonde hair was tied into a ponytail that reached down to her back, while it was curly and neat upon the sides that hadn't been effected by the tied-back appearance.[/i] [i]While she leaned against a large oak tree, the woman pushed herself off of the bark and stood in Mortar's way, her eerie stare sending chills down the being's spine as she twirled two weapons within her gloved hands - one, within her left, being a serrated 14" long dagger, the brass handle glistening within the moonlight while blood covered it's blade, while the one within her right was a 23" long katana-like sword, the blade encased in the red liquid as well. She appeared to have bore no other weapons, but looks happened to be deceiving.. [/i] "Y'know." [i]Irina spoke out, breaking the silence of the situation with a singular word spoken in her experienced Italian accent.[/i] "For a so-called immortal? For a hero of the ages, like that selfish b*stard Zane and his f*ck buddy, the Deity? They're not even half as bad as you, buddy. and you, we can relate. Corrupted by rulers, trained as war machines... The problem is - you're [i]weak[/i]. You deny your purpose in this world, while I? I accept it. You and I are one and the same. Warriors. Killers. Wolves. Come on, Mortar. Lord of Cinder. Whatever the hell you go by. Let's see just how much of a monster you really are.." [spoiler]One last duel.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]I'd love that. hue hue hue[/spoiler] *Mortar doesn't have to turn around to feel her presence, let alone ready himself. He has quite the sharp bone to pick with Irina, for she is the one who killed many innocents, who had killed Hovark, a guy who after almost killing Alpha, recognized what he did and tried to walk away from it. She shows no mercy to anyone, unlike himself, who let Alpha live not once but three times. A strange blue liquid trickles down his right arm and into his closed fist. When it does that it lengthens to form his sword, shortened to three feet instead of four and a half strictly for what's about to happen. The blade then suddenly ignites, it's emerald flames illuminating his thin frame. He turns around, facing Irina as Mion darts to safety* You know what? You're right. I was a killer. I did used to kill for fun. I did seem to know my purpose in life. But you know what else? People change. Maybe you'd learn that if you stopped killing them and looked around. * Twenty small, pool ball sized iron balls begin floating around him. Some of them begin to get bigger, and they fly straight for her stomach, while the rest stay back*

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  • Edited by Orn: 3/26/2017 5:35:47 PM
    "People change, immortal? Do they now..." [url=][i]And that was when Irina made her first move.[/i][/url] "[i]I tried to convince them that I changed-"[/i] [i]Her tone was suddenly laced with venom, her voice infuriated and filled with an insatiable bloodlust. The liquid upon her sword and dagger suddenly morphed into a solid, as Irina slashed through the incoming projectiles with incredible ease. Whatever she had done to the blood upon her was strong enough to rip through metal with a remarkable lack of effort.[/i] [i]"-and look at where that landed me, hmm? Still hunted down by those who cannot forget the past. Still betrayed and hated by all. My very daughter - she abandoned my care for a bunch who wish to see my head on a f*cking plate.[/i] [i]The only three people that I can trust at this rate? Two are dead or gone, and the other is a child. And you?" [/i] [i]At this, Irina merely laughed - a cruel, almost maniacal, but saddened laugh.[/i] [i]"You could run off and blow up a planet and nobody would care!"[/i]

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  • *Mortar raises a brow* Damn, that's actually kind of sad, having your daughter betray you like that. But it doesn't matter now, at least not to me. *The halves of the balls suddenly explode, knocking Irina back*

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    [i]Considering that their remains would've flown past Irina, they did little more than spray dirt upon her body, as she then began her approach. The Vileblood only circled around Mortar, continuing her monologue.[/i] "Thus proving my point. You don't care about anything. While people have died - to [i]me[/i], you've ignored that. If you cared for Hovark, you would've confronted me before I went after him, wouldn't you? You didn't. And here we are - a mass murderer and a selfish god. This'll certainly be a tale for the ages."

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  • Selfish? Hell, I've been inactive for a while, half the time I didn't know what was going on! And I was beginning to like you. I would have buried that hatched DEEP had you not killed him. No matter how you play it you cannot blame me for YOU being the one killing him. *A couple more balls grow and hurl at her, exploding when they get close enough*

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    [i]Irina ignored his words as she dodged through the explosions, utilizing her bloodied blade's range as she slashed at Mortar with both blades, the solidified liquid slashing towards him.[/i]

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