What is something you've come across in a video game that is so insignificant, but stuck out so much that it made you absolutely infuriated? Post your stories and whatever.
Mine? The High Charity doors in the Cortana level in Halo 3. [b]THEY LOOK NOTHING LIKE THE DOORS IN HALO 2!!! WHAT THE HELL BUNGIE??? LITERALLY UNPLAYABLE!!!!!!![/b]
Dying in the ship turret in Battlefront II was also annoying.
Edited by Edgin Mor: 3/21/2017 9:56:14 PMWhen you tried to do friends in high places war story but you suck at flying on bf1 Movie wise, in rogue one, why the heck do they make the side panels on the at at a sand colour? I get that it operates on a sandy island but to me its pointless and actually makes it stand out more.