In this video I talk about how Sony should focus or 'zone in' on Playstation VR![quote]Do You think Sony should focus or abandon PSVR?[/quote]Please, enjoy! (:[quote]Fix Motion Sickness On PSVR:[/quote][quote]PS4 4.50 Update Overview:[/quote]
from what i've seen, the technology isnt there yet. they should drop it and start it back up in a few years
The real thing people should talk about is should Microsoft drop Xbox and just deal with pc gaming.
Yes It won't benefit them in the medium term. In short term, yeah they'll make a decent sale but it's not the best choice for their gaming division at the moment considering they just started making profits If they waited longer until VR is more developed, then it would be worth it. VR is in a weird state right now.
Its alread DOA so who cares.
No The only reason the VR is in bad spot because it have few games and that's OK because it's new ,if they keep adding good games and good games in VR mode like res7 ,it will be a monster
No, and I'm still never going to watch your videos.
No because the reason I buy into the Sony ecosystem, is because they are not quick to kill of their sevices or devices, even if they are not actively doubling down on them. As a consumer, it gives me satisfaction knowing that I won't regret my purchase. Unlike other companies that kill anything and everything as fast as possible if it isn't taking everyones money.
I'd totally get it if it wasn't so expensive
Re7 on ps vr is amazing. So no.
No, let the devs abandon it/them when new vr sets arrive. Now they can test what & how things work in vr (not only psvr, oculus & vive also)
No. Things don't get better when you abandon them.
Bump, anyone? (: