After playing few games of crucible, i noticed that most players were not using primary weapons 100% of the time, but were instead using abilities. This is a problem because it should be known by now that primary weapons should be the only thing getting kills.
So in order to fix this, Bungie should make it so upon death you lose all of your ability progress(even supers) this way players will be encouraged to use their primary instead of using crutch abilities.
But fear not no Nerf will be given to any exotic armor that grants grenade energy on spawn. This is so everyone who has those armors equipped can bypass a large part of the Nerf.
I am confident that limiting ability spam will surely lead to primary only gun fights and definitely not some slow boring meta where people camp to get abilities. Trust me this will improve the game.
of course this will affect pve as well.
I hope they don't take this seriously