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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
Edited by Haknir: 3/23/2017 10:28:27 PM
157 [b][i][u]Chapter 1: Setting Sail! 12 pm Docks by Dojoville[/u][/i][/b] [i]The sun was high in the sky and everything was now ready. All the materials for the journey were neatly organized below deck and Haknir was on deck. He sat down in his throne on the top back part of the ship in front of the wheel. He gave the signal to one of Sandello's men, Captain Edward, who dropped the sails, setting them off into the open ocean. There was a warm breeze, and everything seemed to go well for the rest of the day. People relaxed and went below deck to sleep. The peace would soon end though. [/i] [i][u]The following day...[/u][/i] [i]Haknir woke up early and went on deck where he saw the sun still low in the sky. They were still on course, but the stronger rocking of the ship worried him a little. There was about weather having any obvious effect on the water, but it still shook noticeably. Haknir peered overboard into the water and saw the shifting of something below. It seemed to blend in with the water and it was rather large. Haknir quickly called for everyone to get up. Along the side of the ship were large crossbows and cannons. Him and the gangsters each loaded them, getting ready for combat. After a couple of seconds of silent suspense and waiting, the surface of the water shattered with a large, blue serpent swimming out. Its body wrapped around the ship and it hissed at them angrily. Each gangster got on a Cannon or crossbow and began firing. They would need more firepower to take it down though.[/i] [spoiler]Open for those involved. Fight the beast![/spoiler]

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  • [b]mulligans left hand twist and morphs into a larger pitch black claw[/b] Well I guess this is happening now... [b]i throw a probably-dark ball of energy at the figure in the water, exploding on contact[/b]

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  • [b]The ball hit and the serpent took noticeable damage. It fought back shooting acid at Mulligan.[/b]

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  • Edited by SwarmIntellect: 3/24/2017 2:45:27 AM
    [b]a thick black scaled coccon quickly surrounds me, It then melts away after the acid recedes, I then step out in the 12 foot tall form of the hollow knight, the legend thought lost to time itself[/b] [u]i speak, though no mouth visible[/u] cover me.... [b]wings of a dark black-orange blood like substance form on my back as I rocket upwards, then diving into the water after the serpent[/b]

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  • [b]The serpent avoided him and withdrew into the water. When Mulligan hit the water, the serpent swam by and started whipping its tail at him, swiftly.[/b]

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  • [b]after carefully dodging the first two slashed I grab the serpents tail on the third, driving my nail (sword) into its upper back and flinging it away from me with immense strength, as I do I grab the handle of my nail and hold on tight, slicing the serpents lower section into two right down the middle, though not high enough to kill instantly[/b] [u]again I speak, mouthlessly, the voice ringing through the immediate arena and partially audible on the surface[/u] With every step a pandemic....... [b]the lifeblood wings again form on my back while underwater, I the jet upwards out of the water, landing on the boy as the lifeblood absorbs back into me[/b] It will be here ready.....

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  • [b]The beast surfaced, grabbing Mulligan by the waist and pulling him back down quickly, it started holding him down and biting tighter.[/b]

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  • Edited by SwarmIntellect: 3/24/2017 5:21:22 PM
    [b]as I am dragged down underwater I quickly spin my nail around and Impale myself in the chest, I the pull the tail out as lifeblood flows around me and the serpent, then forming large sewing needle like appendages each attached by a thin lifeblood tether coming from the hole in my chest, the appendages the all stab at the serpent from all around it, rending and pulling at its flesh[/b] With every breath a disease........

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  • [b]The serpent wailed and fought back. It whipped its tail up and shot the tip of its tail which was rather sharp right into Mulligan's chest.[/b]

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  • Edited by SwarmIntellect: 3/24/2017 6:52:42 PM
    [b]as I am impaled life blow flows out of me faster and faster and chaining up the serpent, cutting it up faster and faster, as this is all happening chunks are absorbed into the appendages and repurposed into lifeblood[/b] This is not my burden.... [b]i spin my nail back around and impale the serpent in the head, the blade coated In lifeblood, endings the serpent as the last of its remain are transfused, the appendages then recede back into the hole in my chest as it slowly closes back up[/b] But that with which I contain.......... [b]L.B wings form on my back again as I fly out of the water and black on to the ship, waiting to revert[/b] Casualties?......

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  • [spoiler]You're gonna need to stop, that was pure godmodding.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]im not going to argue this time so what do I do then?[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Just let it go this time, I got other fights to tend to currently.[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]ok my bad, it just seemed appropriate to end it, I apologize[/spoiler]

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  • [spoiler]Its fine[/spoiler]

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  • [i]talath got to the deck and seen the massive serpent coil around the ship hissing a challenge. He knew could very easily transform and rip it apart. So he jumped onto two the part of it coiled around the ship transforming in a very large jet black dragon. He sinks his very razor sharp claws and teeth into its scaled hide causing a lot damage. It would be hard for it shake him off without tearing chunks of its flesh out not to mention all the very nasty spines jutting from his back that carry a nasty toxin that would eat away at flesh. [/i] [spoiler]yeah talath is a void type dragon very nasty when fighting. I guess its good he is on your side lol[/spoiler]

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  • [b]The serpent screamed, but wasn't afraid. It wrapped around him and took him into the water where it was much faster and stronger.[/b]

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  • [i]as it wrapped around him several of his venomous spines sink into its flesh causing damage and talath struggles to free himself. The more he squirms the more deeper the spines go in as he claws into hide tearing its sides wide open. [/i]

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  • Edited by Haknir: 3/24/2017 2:35:01 AM
    [b]The serpent freed itself and bit back even harder, pushing Talath deeper into the water.[/b]

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  • [i]he struggled against it as it bit into him as it dragged him deeper into the water. He knew in could very well drowning him if it wanted too. He dug his sharp claws into face trying to get to let go as he went for its throat biting down with all his might hoping that it lets go.[/i]

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  • [b]The serpent let go finally and moved away. Being this deep underwater, the serpent was at an advantage as long as they were still down there. It moved back and forth, poking at him.[/b]

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  • [i]talath knew this and start swim as fast as he towards the surface. Luckly for him he could hold his breath for a long time as maneuver through the water towards the surface quickly. But this was also to get the serpent to follow so they could fire on it. That was his plan.[/i]

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  • [b]Once he reached the surface, the serpent followed and head butted him in the side, pushing him away from the ship a little.[/b]

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  • Edited by NightBloomsFell: 3/25/2017 12:07:10 AM
    [i]he doesn't take kindly to being pushed away from the ship as serpent is clearly trying to move him away from the ship away but he not gonna let that happen as he snaps the serpent with his jaws trying to force it towards surface.[/i]

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  • [b]He was able to punch it towards the surface and the serpent responded by biting back again and pulling Talath as far away from the ship as it could.[/b]

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  • [i]talath snapped and clawed at it clearly not letting drag him away the ship. He forced it back towards the ship. He was trying to get in range of the cannons.[/i]

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