So a fellow Guardian named Boobel commented this on a post. I just wanted to post it.
"There wasn't a singular thing that ruined the original Destiny experience. It was a culmination of multiple errors.
Year 1 was good. Like if you played the alpha, and the beta, and year 1, you are aware of the reason for the anger that fills the forum now.
A lot of folk may dismiss this, but if you did it, you know.
You had a nightfall that when you were launching in, you were a tad nervous. Because you knew you could spend an hour or so trying, just to lose it all very fast, and be booted to orbit. The sense of achievement when you completed it was excellent. The rewards were good too.
You would run the raid, and be ecstatic to receive the VOC.
Then, you do Atheon over, and over, and eventually, the Vex Mythoclast dropped. And the grind just is SO worth it. You'd relive the moment with destiny pals when they saw you had it.
Year 1 felt relevant. There was an end game gun we chased. We felt rewarded.
We saw parts of the cosmodrome that were locked away. DLC. But already on the disc.
Then year 2 arrived. And it started to feel like the best parts of the game were slowly being removed. We were told by Bungie that we were playing the game wrong. They had perks on guns, and when we used them effectively, all within the realms of the game, we were told we were using them wrong.
Then we started to feel the affects of nerfing. Guns which we had worked so hard to get, became useless. The variety of weapons available was still big, but nerfs forced players to use very few. auto rifles started to fade, our game was being directed by the requests of the supplementary PvP aspect of the game.
Updates came that meant previous content we paid for, was made useless. Game modes that are supposed to encourage team work in pve were forgotten. You aren't allowed raid matchmaking but, we shall matchmake you a pvp session with 11 people from all over the world resulting in a terrible experience.
We won't matchmake nightfall, because you might get someone who is bad. That's better than no matchmaking right.
Then, we got told previous gen was holding back vault space.
Then, luke Smith tells us we are playing his game wrong, but we're going to throw money at the screen anyway. And there's way more to kingsfall.
0,4% auto rifle.
What's VOG again? Who is Crota?
Trials further toxicated the game. Bungie based game updates on trials. YouTube streamers. The community was ignored. The game grew towards trials, bungie pandered to this, pve got a few more stabs in the back.
Lag switching. Bungie didn't seem fussed.
We became iron Lords, and we were happy for a bit. That mountaintop. That raid. But it fizzled. More nerfs. Friends list didn't show Destiny as much.
The last gen vault space limitations seemed a lie. It didn't increase when last gen wasn't included.
Shotguns. Matador. Heavy ammo. Special ammo.
Then Age of Triumph.
Bungie thank us for participating in a 3 year beta, and begrudgingly make year 1 relevant again with some new year 2, but on their terms.
Oh you want elemental fatebringer? Thats fine, but it'll take an exotic slot instead.
Destiny was failed a lot on petty little stuff, stuff that folk meddled with, that was in reality, doing ok.
And there wasn't more to kingsfall.
If Destiny 2 can avoid the blindingly obvious mistakes that happened over the last 3 years, they could have a fantastic game in the making."
Edit: Thanks for all the replies guardians!
Edit 2: Whoa this is trending. Never been up here before, and it wasn't even my own words lol
Edit 3: Number 1 trending. Wow. Thanks for everyone who liked and commented!
Edit 4: Thank you all for the amazing posts! I'm glad people know how good this game could be. How good it should be.
"Thanks for highlighting my post.
The fact that so many other players are in agreement does give credit to what I said.
I expected people to say I was wrong etc, however we are entitled to our opinions.
Maybe these are the people who forget that the game was never sold as being a pvp game. They clearly told us it was a pve game, with optional pvp.
We also were told that a day one weapon would be relevant to whatever direction the game took. They aggravated people by completely doing a u turn on this, leaving many stuck at 170.
If people feel it necessary to repost what I said, this to me just gives further evidence we agree.
It's then funny to note that people said my
observations of Y1 is the result of rosetinting, and I was wrong. I'm that wrong, that they are making raids relevant again, bringing back older weapons. They also have made AR better again, after the pvp nerds rendered them useless.
It is also funny that people are assuming I'm wholly praising year 1, when I simply listed, in time order, things that I remembered from the top of my head. All of the points I made, weren't borne from negativity. They actually happened.
So if you choose to focus on one aspect of my comments, rather than the whole post, you'll fail to see I simply pointed out what was done incorrectly, or things that were done that resulted in a poor experience.
I am sure a lot of people are happy with the game how it is now, I merely gave my opinion on things that actually happened in the game, that left many of us disappointed."
Edit 5: OVER 500 UPVOTES! Dang, is this a record or something? Someone has to know.
Edit 6: Over 600 upvotes. Dang
Edit 7: 700 UPVOTES BABY!
PvP does not belong in Destiny.
Well said. Don't forget "the last thing we want is for your to look at your favorite gun or armor and realize it's obsolete" this week at bungie, beej, 12/4/2014. Or "100% of your character will be brought along into destiny 2"
I couldn't remember why I quit playing for awhile. Thanks for reminding me 😭
Like I said in another thread. If you can get better weapons by trading crap with a faction over rewards in end game activities then something's wrong.
i just think year 1 was so good because everyone was new to the game. If the game began the way it is ending, it would have been 10x more awesome.
Amazing thread. It allowed me to mute so many whiners. Thank you
You think Year 2 was when nerfs started hurting the game? Remember the Necrochasm? After the initial round of AR nerfs during vanilla, high fire rate auto rifles were near unusable until Year 2. Balance in this game was screwed from the very beginning. Destiny PvP was built in a way such that becoming stale was inevitable without a large dedicated team for keeping things balanced.
Boobel said it best.
"Try Strikes?"
IMO the biggest problems: 1. Taking away our old gear, then making us "earn" it again 2. Lack of matchmaking for PVE (I understand not having it on raids) 3. Forcing player base to play the game Bungie's way (solo play has gotten the shaft) 4. Nerfs due to PVP (Truth was the final straw)
Well said, here here.
Agree with some and disagree with other things. all in all I think destiny has improved for the better. The only things Im not a fan with is the current state of special weapons.
I am concerned about this post and the comments because for the first time in three years I am seeing a post and comments with very much sense and seriousness! Going to the vault for the first time and soloing old Nightfalls were the best moments! oh and the old weapons quests like the old thorn quest! those were really fun to me!
You sir, have told a story of Destiny. You've given me the nostalgia of my Destiny past and the nightmares of nerfs and buffs. You've opened my eyes even further to the ridiculousness and bullsh*t the Bungie has put us through. I thank you for going through everything and showing me that there was once a golden age, a collapse, and now that age of triumph is coming, a new age in which warriors rise out of the ashes and fight on till the end.
Cheers buddy! I didn't expect people to agree with me so much, I just asked myself 'what did ruin destiny?', and I just thought back to the things that really hit us players hard. The fact that we seem to be in agreement does show that we want the same direction in the game. I sincerely hope that lessons have been built by the folks in charge.
pvp and pve doesn't have to be a separate just disable exotics completely from pvp and make it a default load out that way half the weapons won't carry over to pvp from pve
Agree with some of this but not all. I think the change in the PvE experience between Y1 and Y2-3 boils down to three main points. 1. PvP and PvE need to be separated in D2. They should make the crucible a training ground which is really what it's supposed to be from a story standpoint, and players should be able to select their load-outs from either specific PvP versions of their PvE gear, or from a narrower group of weapons for use only in PvP. PvE balancing needs to be on its own. 2. Exotics need to feel exotic, and end game content should be challenging. The raids are a good start but agree with OPs assessment of the original Nightfall vs. now. Risk was higher, rewards were better, and it felt good. 3. You can keep the grind. This is where I think people forget about the negative aspects of Y1. It was a grind. Want to level gear? Grind. Want to get that Gjallarhorn? Grind. Want to get the Fatebringer? Grind. I'm fine with a few end game rewards that require raid challenges, or hard mode completions, but for the general day to day stuff you can keep the grind.
My summary on this is Bungie hit their "glass ceiling" way too early in year 1. That was their mistake. They gave us everything too soon. Was it fun? Yeah. Did it get boring after a while? Well...also yes. It seemed like moving forward, these were necessary changes to try and freshen up things with the game, and as trial and error as it was, it was still somewhat fun for the overall experience. That part they never took away, when you consider the PvE side of things. PvP is a completely different story I'd rather not discuss. Everyone probably has the hope that with Destiny 2, Bungie will take what was learned from the data of the first game, from the discussions made during this first game, and know where to capitalize and expand on to make a more enjoyable experience.
You are on point with your points... But the game has evolved. Would you rather them to blindly think what is right with destiny 2, or test out scenarios with a game that has never really had a life like this on consoles? People did their job, regardless how extreme some of the venting was, a message was sent via forums all over. The old saying "silence gives consent" is one to live by and with the open forums... there was no silence. YouTube/streaming equal revenue. Listening to the those people make sense because they are also a voice. Be it good or bad, they tried everything. 9/10 times though, I never saw a patch that catered to the elite players... and in fact, like the last patch, moved a lot of those players away especially in trials with seeing the user base drop by over a hundred+ thousand players over a two week period since the last patch. That is not catering to streamers. Regardless, lots of people love this game. There is a lot of pressure to get the sequel right... and you do not get it right by not testing in a live environment. Did they do things wrong? Yes... But at what cost? Yet to be seen because we have not seen absolutely anything of destiny 2. Match making for the harder events should not exist. Just imagine the forums of people ranting over raids, nightfalls of year one, and trials... Those events are meant for a stronger team to accomplish. Putting it into their hands to match make makes more sense then putting it into the games hands because that door is to larger of a world towards complaints. It makes sense to me, but I can see the other side of that coin... but remember, the people that seem to have issues building up enough "friends" to not rely on matchmaking is probably in that position for a reason. There are more negatives than positives for matchmaking on harder events and the option is also locked in this game ie no team leader to kick the person who is either just being a punk, try hard or annoying. Anyways... I still enjoy the game and truly hope they do fix the faults of the game. I truly hope they do not lock out year one gamers that did not by the dlc like they have. What you buy should always be available and every dlc needs its own space with their own bounties and weekly activities so that who ever bought the vanilla game, has the vanilla game. I hope they continue with a rotating meta because it makes pvp more interesting and challenging. I do not hope for forced metas like this last patch ie special ammo. Etc etc... we all have our lists and different views... But if this game never changed, there would still be complaints out of the @$$. Great post though. Conversations pieces are always nice to have.
Biggest lie ever told.
Growing pains. Lets hope Bungie can recover from all this. You will never make a game like this with so many variables that everyone will like. However, it would have been nice if Bungie had the courage to explain their "adjustments" to the gear based on their data and feedback. They have access to all this data and they could have shed some light on the decision making process. Were the changes made based on data, feedback or both? How much of the player pool is really being considered when a change is applied. If 5% actively complain on the forums and streamers complain do you make adjustments that effect the other 95%? Again, we dont have numbers, only Bungie knows the real statistics and they dont always share.
I think all of us who've played since the beginning should be cautious about the sequel. My HOPE is that they have learned. PvP and pve must be completely separate. No exception. Make pve more like pre-TTK. Do not make pve players progressively more and more underpowered. Running w fun guns, gear and abilities made pve fun. Removing the y1 stuff killed the desire to do any endgame for me. The pvp driven nerfs, one after another, on and on made pve far less fun. Noo one wanted to grind for good gear only to see it become obsolete and no one played pve expecting or hoping to get WEAKER over time. That's not the formula that makes things fun. How hard is that to understand? Idk but I'm going to wait till mid November and check the forums and reviews before i dive into destiny 2. If they still have pvp and pve intertwined then i will pass. *I'm not going to start playing again even though i loved ther original raids but I'm very happy for those players who didn't experience y1. They raids are fun. True, things have been nerfed and the fact that elemental primaries are now exotic(?????) wasn't a good idea, i still think the newer players will be happy. Op: you summed it up so flawlessly. ..... thanks for posting that. Let's just hope they learned during the last 2.5 years. Have a great weekend everyone
Pretty much. The best news I've heard about destiny 2 is that it's going to be a reboot. Supposedly the environments will be much larger as well. So at least that makes some sense of why only character appearance. But it also speaks volumes of how much of a failure destiny 1 is when bungie clearly wants to sweep it under the rug while letting it go out with a whimper instead of a bang. How many people can honestly care about the upcoming balancing update when it's all too painfully aware that if they don't like the final direction the game is headed in, they can simply play another game for 6 months (or wait for the D2 beta in June).
Papa bless, someone has spoken.