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originally posted in: best thing ever said
3/24/2017 4:52:34 PM
I look at my experience with Destiny like this: 1. Great experience (never played an online multiplayer shooter before even though i beat all the CODs but only played campaign mode solo and I'm 38 years old) 2. Getting adjusted to many different personalities was a challenge on its own and i had to woo saaa many times and tell myself "it's just a game Huseyin, this 15 year old wouldnt dare talk to u like that in real life Huseyin, just take it easy Huseyin" but after the 1st year, i got better at the game and my social skills with talking to people i can't physically see got better. 3. Started to feel like a job instead of a fun video game. 4. Started effecting my physical appearance. Before Destiny i was all muscle and worked out often, but playing Destiny everyday made me gain weight. 5. Problems at home. Shows i would normally watch with my GF together, i would tell her to watch on her own cuz "i HAD to do a raid" or something of those sorts. 6. I have an addictive personality so it was hard for me not to turn the PS4 on and play Destiny. 7. Finally quit 3 months ago or something like that and haven't looked back. So the conclusion is this: If you don't have an addictive personality and can play Destiny casually and still make time to hang out with family and exercise and work and take care of other household responsibilities, then i applaud you and you should continue doing what you're doing. But if you're like most players I've met and can't stay away from the game when there's so much content to clear and guns to get (with the right perks), armor also, then this game and games like this in general aren't healthy for you. Since quitting i got back into working out, looking good, feeling good, the whole nine. It's kind of pointless for me to even post this cuz even though i left destiny, i like to check the forums to see how things are going with the community and from what I've been reading for months now, MANY Destiny players have left the game or have just become casual players. Not a life coach but it doesn't take one to realize that video gaming gor 8 to 10 hours a day isnt healthy for you. If you're doing it to get paid like streamers, then cool i guess. That could be your 8 hour job and then you take care of other responsibilities when you're not playing. But if you play one game for 8 hours a day and years later still feel like you haven't accomplished anything, something is wrong.

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