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originally posted in: best thing ever said
Edited by TheShadow-cali: 3/25/2017 8:50:24 PM
[quote]There wasn't a singular thing that ruined the original Destiny experience. It was a culmination of multiple errors.[/quote] This alone explains some of the reason this game has headed in this direction it has. These devs are only some of the devs that have left Bungie for various reasons. [b] This is only my opinion, whether you agree with it or not is your own prerogative. [/b] Destiny was a game that kept me occupied and my interest as most for a while. Even though things have changed there are something that hold somewhat of an interest about this game to me which IMO Bungie veered from it. Maybe in D2 some of that will have changed and gamer's will end up with some of the things that were at one point mentioned will be added to this game. Some gamer's currently like the way the game is and others know Bungie could of done a lot more then what they had to offer. The ones that know Bungie can be doing more are the ones that need to continue to speak up. Games don't improve if gamer's just settle for things for the way they are, it's not helping the gamer's and it doesn't help the company to actually make improvements in a game. This last patch is prime example of the community actually speaking up. Sad thing about it, It's 2 1/2 years too late. If you want improvements in this game well mostly for D2. ( Stop being silent ) and stop praising this company for doing small petty stuff most companies have already added before a game is released and not almost 3 years latter. This community needs to get tough on this company because it's the only time you will ever get any results. [b] PvP [/b] [spoiler]Everyone has their own idea on how this game could be and of course opinions vary, but who is actually listening to your opinions, suggestions, ideas, concept etc other then chatting with one another? Iv'e watched this forum for a long time and as most can see this community is mainly focused on weapon balance when there is so much more to this game then just weapons that has been ignored. Having the "perfect god roll" does't improve skill and doesn't improve this game one bit. yet a lot of you seem to think that having that perfect weapon that has that perk you want is the only thing Destiny was created for. Hate to burst your bubble, but having the current sandbox Destiny has there will never be any one weapon that you become attached to that will outshine the rest because all weapons have a time limit in this game ( It's a must to nerf it if it's used the most ) Bungie's logic is majorly flowed in thinking nerfing weapons and some multiple times with it's entire category is their (only option) to create diversity. Yes, gamer's want that rotation in crucible but it doesn't mean the sanbox has to make the more popular weapons become less of a value so the less value become more popular. Year one had it's ups and downs about it but IMO year one was fun and it was created as it was intended to be. Gamer's seem to forget that there was a few devs that made Destiny before it was released that don't work there anymore. This new crew didn't have all the say in creating the game as it is now. So when I see gamer's say that year one wasn't how Destiny was suppose to be, I have to majorly disagree. Especially knowing the creative director is not the same one you have now and knowing the original writer quit a year before Destiny was released among others that played a huge factor in the direction this game was heading before it was released. Things didn't change until after the fact of what happened in the process of Destiny being created and who was next in charge of running things as devs were quiting or getting fired from Bungie.[/spoiler] [b] PvE [/b] [spoiler]Year one is when a Guardian became a Guardian. The concept of become legend and more powerful was there. Since then Guardians became ( scavengers ) looking for that one weapon, perk, ability etc, grinding and grinding and grinding to look for that one thing that will make you feel you are that Guardian. Sad thing about all that? year one you had many things that made you feel that way and you had a verity of things that worked across the entire bored that gave that excitement, a purpose and a lot of that was left behind. For what, PvP? This game has so much potential, yet gamer's were cut from it for the sake of D2. The one thing that annoys me the most is how PvE gamer's don't have a voice. The community manager doesn't help that either. From where I stand in life and looking at a position like this, his time spent on this forum should treat both aspect of this game with respect. That means acknowledge ideas other then weapon balance, or small petty things that are already in the game. I've watch him ignore hundreds of post regarding PvE on ideas, suggestions, whatever that was great feedback that was positive that could of been brought back to the devs but was literally ignored. Yet, I see hundreds of PvP post he makes a reply to on how can we improve this weapon or perks ect. IMO the community manager has failed the PvE gamer's in this community since he replaced Deej. I run a crew at my work and I treat everyone as equal, there is (no favoritism ) but that's not how this community manager looks at things. It's selfish and straight out disrespectful. What I'm getting at is, how can anyone expect anyone to give respect to whoever if they are shown disrespect? Communication doesn't start with us, It starts with Bungie and how does Bungie get their info? Your one and only community manager. I get that the community manager can only do and say so much, but to ignore the other aspect of this game and it's gamer's on feedback other then just stupid weapons is part of the problem on why this game is where it is.[/spoiler]

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