I like trials, and hate to agree with you, but you speak the truth. What I'm seeing now, just like on the legacy consoles post ROI, is casual gamers leaving, and Crucible becoming sweaty. It got so bad before I upgraded in October, none of us wanted to touch 3v3. All the sweats were out for blood trying to no mercy every match. T bagging, sending shit messages, inviting to parties to gloat. It was honestly depressing. Bungie pulled the plug on IB, Trials, and events, leaving a mess behind. Some players didn't buy into the game when upgrading to a new console because of this. I honestly believe the same thing will happen in D2. Pay more or starve. I still love the game because of the amazing players I've met the last year. We're a tight community. We come here to bitch and vent our frustrations, but it is what it is. No offense, but if I see ya'll in Mayhem Clash today, expect to see the Fist of Panic. :p Semper Fi!
Well said
I agree that Trials ruined it but not permanently.. they just need to remove it.