Think again. Sure, some people can be trustworthy, but others aren't. Make sure you know and trust someone before even contemplating giving them access to your account. Even if you do feel like you trust someone, remember there are risks.
There's been some people lately just straight up deleting peoples characters and items, and then those people are upset and try to get Bungie to restore their things. Guess what? They won't, no matter what.
[url=]Deleted Item and Character Policy[/url]
Also someone pointed this out, allowing someone to recover your account (if you paid for it) is against Bungie's Code of Conduct anyways. Not only do you risk getting your stuff deleted, but you risk getting in trouble with Bungie, which would make everything you do on Destiny pretty much pointless.
[url=]Code of Conduct[/url]
For those of you harassing me for proof, please go here and read this section about harassment. If you read it clearly and understand, you'll see why you're not receiving any proof.
If you want to go to the Lighthouse, find two people who are willing to help you! Even if it's not Trials related, please know the risks! Be careful! Stay safe!
[url=]Account Security: How to keep your Destiny Account safe![/url]
We had a guy in our clan, seemed decent. He wanted to help players get to the lighthouse. He did recoveries and became an admin in our clan. He started charging some clan members and at that point we told him that wasn't acceptable. He and others he played with were asked to create there own clan and move on. Instead, they threatened several times to use the account recovery info to harm player accounts. Have harrsssed the clan and it's members for days and are being investigated by bungie and the Microsoft live team for issues related to this. IT IS NEVER WORTH THIS TROUBLE TO GET TO THE LIGHTHOUSE.