I am doing a new series of posts on what Christianity is really about, as there seems to be a bit of confusion in this community and abroad.
Many people think that heaven is the same for everyone. They could t be more wrong. It says in the Bible that, for everything that you sacrifice for the lord, you will receive twice as much in heaven. So, the more you give on Earth, the more you receive in heaven. Therefore, some people may have a better experience in heaven than others.
But then arises a problem, some people have more to give than others. Well, Jesus handles this quite well. In the church one day, some of he richer men donate large sums of money to the church. After them, a poor widow donates what we would consider close to a quarter to the church. Some people scoff at her, because she donated so little, but Jesus says that she gave even more than the rich people, because unlike them, she gave all she had. So, it isn't about how much you give compared to others, it is about how much you give out of how much you can give that counts.
I hope this clarifies some things. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to respond.
Edit: I found a great site that agrees with me (for the most part). http://coldcasechristianity.com/2012/are-there-different-degrees-of-reward-in-heaven/ I think I will be using this site a lot in the future.
[quote]I am doing a new series of posts on what Christianity is really about, as there seems to be a bit of confusion in this community and abroad.[/quote] Uh, where exactly? I don't think I've ever seen any "I'm confused about Jesus" posts. [quote]Many people think that heaven is the same for everyone. [/quote] Well, it's the same for "everyone." We all know black people aren't allowed in, cuz then the property value will go down. But I guess blacks aren't really people either, so yes, heaven could be the same for everyone. [quote]They could t be more wrong. It says in the Bible that, for everything that you sacrifice for the lord, you will receive twice as much in heaven. [/quote] So for all the pussy I don't smash before marriage, I get twice as much in heaven? [quote]So, the more you give on Earth, the more you receive in heaven. Therefore, some people may have a better experience in heaven than others. [/quote] Yeah, like all those guys that were promised virgins. They're gonna have a [i]way[/i] better time. [quote]But then arises a problem, some people have more to give than others. Well, Jesus handles this quite well. [/quote] Yeah, he handles it by not letting the blacks in. Bam. Problem solved. [quote]In the church one day, some of he richer men donate large sums of money to the church. After them, a poor widow donates what we would consider close to a quarter to the church. [/quote] I don't understand this currency. Close to a quarter? [quote]Some people scoff at her, because she donated so little, but Jesus says that she gave even more than the rich people, because unlike them, she gave all she had. [/quote] She'd suck at Monopoly. [quote]So, it isn't about how much you give compared to others, it is about how much you give out of how much you can give that counts.[/quote] But Jesus would prefer bills larger than $5. [quote]Edit: I found a great site that agrees with me (for the most part). http://coldcasechristianity.com/2012/are-there-different-degrees-of-reward-in-heaven/ I think I will be using this site a lot in the future.[/quote] You found a site that agrees with you? You must be correct. I personally prefer www.csinazareth.com. By the way, how do I buy into the Heaven+ membership?