I am doing a new series of posts on what Christianity is really about, as there seems to be a bit of confusion in this community and abroad.
Many people think that heaven is the same for everyone. They could t be more wrong. It says in the Bible that, for everything that you sacrifice for the lord, you will receive twice as much in heaven. So, the more you give on Earth, the more you receive in heaven. Therefore, some people may have a better experience in heaven than others.
But then arises a problem, some people have more to give than others. Well, Jesus handles this quite well. In the church one day, some of he richer men donate large sums of money to the church. After them, a poor widow donates what we would consider close to a quarter to the church. Some people scoff at her, because she donated so little, but Jesus says that she gave even more than the rich people, because unlike them, she gave all she had. So, it isn't about how much you give compared to others, it is about how much you give out of how much you can give that counts.
I hope this clarifies some things. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to respond.
Edit: I found a great site that agrees with me (for the most part). http://coldcasechristianity.com/2012/are-there-different-degrees-of-reward-in-heaven/ I think I will be using this site a lot in the future.
Edited by gizmonster: 3/27/2017 1:52:48 PMI am not a theist, but I respect your right to share your opinion. I pose a question, how do you have the right to declare how to interpret the Bible? Any piece of literature or any story can be interpreted differently by different individuals. That's a serious flaw in every religion. If a deity wants you to follow a set of rules, then why put it in a book to let it stray from the intended message it is trying to convey? And more so, why would it be written by [b]HUMANS[/b], who have a track record of implementing bias and false facts? He should have put burning words in the sky or something of the sorts. If there is a God, he must be toying with us, or running tests on us. Is he testing loyalty, or just to see how we will deform his rules and twist them around over generations? This is why I can't trust the Bible, nor any literature of any religion. Religious books are also basically circlejerks of that one religion, and allows for no room for an open mind or new ideas. I can't comprehend how people can be such sheep, blind ones at that, following any religious work with little to no evidence (and when there is, it's rather insignificant), or even an organization like NASA, who refuses to drop a splash of truth into the minds of the populace. [spoiler]And also, when I saw your title, I thought of Robbie Rotten[/spoiler]