I'm new to the Mass Effect universe; never played any of the previous games, but heard good things. I learned that Andromeda does not take save data from previous Mass Effect games, and also isn't dependent on any choices made in those games. So it seems like it can be a good starting point for someone new to the ME universe. However, obviously I've heard the controversy around the game and how it is relatively unpolished, with bugs and animation problems.
So, I am looking for opinions on Andromeda as an introduction to the ME franchise. I know it's polarizing right now and that everyone has their biases, but hopefully I'll be able to sift through the crap and find something substantial. Tell me if you think Andromeda would be a worthwhile purchase for someone new to the franchise. Is there alot of stuff to do? Does it get repetitive? Is the story cliched, or is it engaging? No spoilers, please (duh).
UPDATE: Decided to get it. May be taking a bit of a risk, but I'm ok with that. With Bioware announcing that they plan to address some of the player concerns in the near future, I'm hopeful that the game will become more polished with post-launch support.
I will try to keep this short. Mass Effect (or any BioWare franchise, really) is a series founded on good storytelling and RPG gameplay roots. Personal decisions are important to your experience. Quality gunplay is the method of delivery for the action. For Andromeda, this remains true and even goes further than previous titles. Exploration and platforming are now part of the mix. Andromeda has it's flaws (visual bugs, which seem to be far more scarce than people were initially letting on, haven't been an issue for me on XB1), but if you refuse to play this game because of them, you are doing yourself a disservice. I have a coworker who had never played a Mass Effect game before. I convinced him to buy Andromeda, and he is absolutely loving it. He claims that it is kinda like a combination of Gears of War combat, Elder Scrolls exploration, and Halo story all wrapped into one package. I can't find any reason to disagree.
Edited by burningskies53: 3/29/2017 3:50:05 AM
After playing the first 3 I'm still having a blast with Andromeda. I say it's completely worth buying. Most people are just on the hate train for it, although some have legitimate complaints. Most of it has to do with character models and expressions which has no impact on my enjoyment of the game. I haven't ran into any game breaking bugs or anything like that and for me personally it's been a very smooth experience so far aside from a couple of crashes. Tons of exploration, lots of characters that you can get to know really well. You're not confined to one class like the previous installments and the combat is the most enjoyable to me out of all of them. I personally enjoy it a lot, but just try reading some of the reviews and pick out what matters to you.
I'm enjoying it so far I think people made a bigger deal out of some stuff because they didn't like the things the biowear employees were saying like the developer who hates white people and the American feminist lol they're both assclowns but the game is worth checking out
Edited by ABeardedViking: 3/28/2017 12:03:40 PMFirst things first. Do you like story driven dialogue heavy RPGs? You can literally speed a few hrs just walking around the Nexus hub area talking to NPCs and reading about lore. So make sure you like that type of stuff. Yes it's not perfect and it does have its technical issue with facial animation issues, bugs ( GOTY Witcher 3 had its fair share of bugs, Fallout 4,Skyrim Remaster etc) so don't let that turn you off Yes the game is very engaging. Not to spoil too much but I went through a quest line and at the end need to make a choice. I literally sat my controller down for a good 5 minutes contemplating what I wanted my choice to be. I also made a choice early on with a settlement and then having to face the consequences of that choice later on. Choices that have consequences is one of the reason I feel in love with the OT. The combat is a lot of fun and with the profile system I don't get stuck into a class that I might not like.I can swap out 4 classes on the fly. Plenty of gear both in game and gear I can craft All games are repetitive, yes there is tons of stuff to do from the main quest line, side quests from NPCs, Loyalty mission for your squad mates. Misc quest .Horde based multiplayer etc At the very least I would recommend you rent the game from gamefly or redbox
You don't deserve Andromeda.
https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QDjci1ODoBs Just to show you both sides of the coin. This review is very accurate, and pretty funny.