Teaser Reveal: Done
Full Reveal: Done
Gameplay Reveal: 18 May 2017
BETA Release: Summer
Game Release: 8 September 2017
The "did not got this" reminds me of that "if wotm was on Facebook" post. Anyone knows where it its?
Spiderman trailer killed it
That sweeper bot is the most dedicated robot I've ever met
Did anyone else notice that Cayde uses the Ace of Spades?
Ahhh Nathan Fillion. I'll buy anything with a side of Fillion. GG bungie, G effing G. Sly b@st@rds.
Holy holy holy holy. WHAT. YES. WORDS. AHHHHB
Hey it's that one totally boring character from vanilla. Remember him? Me either
Unfreakingbelievable!!! So hyped!
That was cool
That was great! i'm a fan of Cayde.
I threw money at my screen as soon i started watching the trailer.
Sweeperbot's alive!
Was that cyad or whatever his name is?
That cabal with the 2 swords though.... also looks like the tower is being directly attacked as well as the city
Frack I love Mal...Umm, I mean Cayde
>Deadpool wasn't mainstream until the movie >No Deadpool memes or references or "omg he's like Deadpool" before the movie >Deadpool movie comes out >*someone with a funny and witty personality that is reflective of other characters they have played in the past* OMFG IT'S DEADPOOL?!?@!r
Nathan Fillion at his best everybody. Also, this just confirms what everybody know as about Cabal attacking the Tower and crap.
Close your eyes and it's an Uncharted trailer.
Edited by Aarchon_Priest: 3/28/2017 8:11:11 PMGood, finally the one character with a personality gets a trailer, more Exo-Nathan Drake please.
My favourite part is our old [b]robot[/b] buddy Cayde is pouring himself a drink
Destiny 2 teaser has more story that destiny lol
How can a robot drink anything
I love the tag at the bottom, "Not Actual Gameplay."