Sigh. Called it. Bungie made a story reason for why our vault is gone and we start from scratch. The last city is attacked and trashed.
[spoiler]I still think it will be good. [/spoiler]
[spoiler]Oh and this is why our vault space will not grow in destiny 2. No vaults = No vault space. Lol. [/spoiler]
I hope the ghost is like your mobile vault in d2.
uh, the reef and felwinters peak
Your actual vault is in the tower though. The Reef and Felwinter's Peak kiosks are just remote access terminals; if the vault itself is destroyed, there's nothing to access.
[quote]uh, the reef and felwinters peak[/quote] Bungie: yeah sorry, ALLLLL your shit was at the tower vault! See we are GREAT WRITERS!!!!
And why they have a way to bring back exotics: "Hey, the clean-up bots found what's left of your vault. Couldn't salvage everything, but they did find (insert exotic weapon[s] / armor piece[s] here)."
[quote]And why they have a way to bring back exotics: "Hey, the clean-up bots found what's left of your vault. Couldn't salvage everything, but they did find (insert exotic weapon[s] / armor piece[s] here)."[/quote] Lol yeah. You forgot... "....and you will have to do these long ass and. Doing quests to reassemble the exotics and then have to find the new year 4 version!"
I'm sure they'll have some sort of system of storing items. Especially if destiny 2 is gonna be any sort of RPG/ gear collecting like destiny was