And this is why things like marketing, business strategies, psychology, etc... exist.
Reveal Age of Triumph: "Too little too late, not buying D2 if nothing carries over!"
AWESOME Teaser for Destiny 2 Trailer: "HYYYYYPE!"
Bungie KNOWS people love this game even if they say they don't. If the full trailer on Thursday is even halfway decent, not only will they secure sales for D2, people will have a more positive attitude about this Age of Triumph update. Happy consumers = more players. More players = more chance of D2 sales. And that is more security for investors. Revealing D2 along with Age of Triumph is a smart move, and will help keep numbers up for Destiny 1.
I should clarify, this isn't meant to be toxic. Only informative. I also thoroughly enjoyed the teaser, and I'm also kinda hyped for the trailer Thursday.
D1 has been awesome. Even with all the bad.
Don't think too deep about it. If people like destiny, they like it. If they want to play destiny 2, they want to play it. If not, then no.
Fair enough. :) I personally am looking forward to D2 no matter how it turns out. I just love how this game feels and plays, and it's the one thing I hope they don't change, only refine.
[quote]Fair enough. :) I personally am looking forward to D2 no matter how it turns out. I just love how this game feels and plays, and it's the one thing I hope they don't change, only refine.[/quote]