Oh, and if you take the time to listen, the trailer is pretty much making fun of Destiny 1:
- boring meeting: the story
- "wasn't paying attention...": the players
- "ugly contest where everyone wins": RNG, loot system, etc.
- "killing one more guy, just to be safe": what most of the missions are
I dunno, that's knda far-fetched. How's the ugly contest poking fun at the RNG system?
Note "where everyone wins"; it's poking fun at itself.
Hey, you be nice to my Destiny
No, lol; I mean that they're poking fun at themselves. Hopefully they've learned from their past mistakes. :)
Well you're no fun
Way to plagiarize! That was the first comment on YouTube. You must be very proud of yourself for stealing that.
What if, they are that person? Also, who cares. They aren't claiming it as their own. Like the kids on FB who repost and repost and repost the same statements constantly.
Doubtful... I loathe people who post ideas like they were their own.