Hey guys! My fireteam just figured out how to complete the Deathsinger's challenge in the updated Crota's End raid!! For video proof, you can see the above link; however, I will provide a text explanation as well.
Step 1: Kill all enemies in the arena BEFORE killing Ir Yut.
Step 2: Kill the two additional yellow bar knights and the thrall that spawn in her room.
It will say "Ir Yut shrieks in fear" to confirm that you did this correctly.
Step 3: Kill the 3 Yellow bar ogres and 6 yellow bar knights that spawn outside. (Must kill red bar adds too!)
Step 4: Kill sword Bearer that spawn in middle door.
Step 5: Use it to kill Ir Yut.
Step 6: PROFIT!!!
I hope you guys found this useful! Have a great day!!
Edit 1: Thanks to all the amazing guardians who pointed out that you have to kill every single enemy, not just the yellow bars!
Correct your text to say kill everything but Ir Yut in both phases of the encounter. All knights & thralls in the first part and all ogres, knights, thralls in the second is what spawns the swordbearer to kill Ir Yut with