"Cayde is destiny deadpool" clearly you plebs have never seen deadpool or read the comics.
It's just an expression. Chill out
Guys, guys, guys. It's Robo-Fillion, really. Dude was the King of Smart-Asses before Reynolds even so much as touched the role of Deadpool.
Yea he kind of is it almost feels like he's breaking the fourth wall in this trailer
So just because he break the fourth wall he is deadpool? Breaking the fourth wall is what makes deadpool to you? Its a sad day when people don't even know the story and history of a character and compare them to modern characters who are nothing like them.
Edited by AustinSX: 3/29/2017 2:45:14 PMHmmm... mysterious past full of hard times and special ops, quips in the middle of deadly battles, can't die, slight 4th wall breaking/meta humor, memory loss. Yep that's deadpool
before you try to bash me and be ignorant read. I said he kind of almost it's the way he's acting in this trailer, and cool it kid read alot about Deadpool I don't need an ass hat giving me a history lesson about it. He acts like him not though there history but there action