Today, my horoscope told me that two minds are better than one, and it really spoke to me. I love how the stars have such an amazing ability to perfectly reflect my life. There's something very mystical about it.
One example in particular is music. I see very often people saying that popular music isn't good, but that just doesn't make sense. If it wasn't good, [i]people wouldn't like it[/i]. It's very hypocritical for these people who listen to garbage that very few people actually enjoy like metal or jazz to think that their music taste is superior to a mass of people. I'm sorry, but Beyoncé slays babe, some niche garage band like Nirvana couldn't never compare. All respects to their deceased drummer or singer or whatever, but that time is passed, and it's disrespectful to not recognize Queen B's reign.
I would argue that people who believe that their taste in music is superior to others because they don't like popular music are pretty narcissistic. You really believe your opinion is better than everyone else's? You do know that Virgo says differently? It's scientifically proven that your opinion is not better than the majority of people.
It's like, the majority of people in the world are Christian, thus Christianity is the superior religion. If there were more muslims or Jews in the world, then those would be the superior religion. Not to delve into a religious discussion, I just want to make a parallel, so you can see through the hypocrisy of calling non-popular music good. But I mean this should be obvious. It's not like the music you like was solely made for and listened by you.
Is this satire?
Please. Get some help.
stop being gay man, seriously
[i] [/i]
Can we just agree that Trixie tang is bae
Unlike the other cave-dwelling homunculi in this thread I understand the cynicism, but I'm still not laughing. Go back to political posts; I want to argue again.
*op makes sheep noises*
My ego is bigger than yours and the music I like IS THE BEST MUSIC.
anyone heard the new kendrick track
The true offtopic troll
[i]*Agent Intensifies*[/i]
You're my new favorite source of satire. Honestly, better than even the other satirical content on here.
Agreed. Also, Nickelback is the best band ever. Creed is a close second.
Basicly the TLDR Be honest with yourself and keep what music you hate/enjoy to yourself and be mindful of others.
Trixie is so hot
Good satire
But are you as woke as Katy Perry? #KatyCats #Roar
[quote]Today, my horoscope told me...[/quote] And you lost me.
Can i masturb8 to this weak bait m8.I could sure use some low tier quality fap material.
Man -blam!- all yall ni99as yachty and uzi the GOAT. 100 #yeet #fire
Kayne sucks, deal with it.
Edited by Zavala's Pet Cat: 3/31/2017 2:45:37 PMpost not meant to be here carry on
It's disrespectful to not recognize popular musicians, sure, but it's also arrogant to think other genres are not as good or worth my respect because they aren't popular. Smaller artists have to work just as hard for less payout. Playing an old, dying genre like jazz or rock or a new, obscure genre like electro swing is a labor of love.
This is satirical, right?
Ah, so you're the type of twat that thinks their opinion is fact...
well theres more whites in the world so white is the superior race and blacks are insuperior and kanye is black which means kanye sucks at music because hes black also it makes rap the devils music because blacks are servants of the evil