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Edited by Caterina: 7/9/2017 5:41:59 PM

Goodbye, #offtopic

Yeah yeah I'm back. Didn't say I was gonna leave forever lol. [spoiler][i]Oh great, here goes Lady Ghost again with her cringey threads[/i] Lol. It's been a wild ride here on these forums but it's time I said my goodbyes. I feel like with me gone, you guys can finally enjoy a better forum experience free of white knights and teens who worship me. "Stop being dramatic, Sara, it's the internet. Just words on a screen. Ignore it and don't feed the trolls." Well, I did. For about two years. For two years I've put up with the name-calling, [url=]the catfish comments[/url], the attention-whoring comments, [url=]the hate messages[/url], the [url=]PMs telling me to die(which are really disturbing)[/url], the irrelevant memes and completely random stuff I've come to experience on here and I have to say, thanks to you guys I've developed a slightly thicker skin online. And I've ignored all of those stuff and even played along with them. But it's gotten out of hand. It's no longer just BNET. My Tumblr is now floating around several groups. [url=]My personal email address has been leaked[/url] and spammed with memes. [url=]I was impersonated a while ago and they pretended to be me giving away my Kik[/url]. My name has been posted around Reddit and the Bungiepedia website. My Discord server has been raided and spammed. And I've had enough. Everything I do here gets hate. [url=]My art thread[/url] gets hate for being nothing but [url=]random words slapped on a document using Microsoft Paint[/url]. The thread [url=]where I got on my guitar and stepped out of my comfort zone to sing(something I have never done before in public) for everyone[/url] had people calling me an attention whore who feeds on likes and replies. [url=]The thread of me recording a voice-over in #Destiny[/url] had people believing I paid a girl to record that and that I was actually a guy lmao. It's honestly ridiculous. And it shouldn't bother me but at this point it's ruining my threads. I do these things because I love giving back to the community but it's always met with negativity. [url=]And you guys with your downvote brigades[/url]; it's really dumb and ironically those threads usually end up in trending. Not that it matters but efforts like that are really childish. I feel like the only way to stop all this is just to leave and hope it dies off. Isn't that the reason for all the hate? Surely it was all a ploy to scare me off? I don't think you actually find this "fun," do you? [url=]Oh wait nvm[/url]. But thank you, all the decent people who are here. Thank you for making this forum slightly more bearable. You are the reason I even bother coming back here. I'm sure Bungie never intended this place to be a toxic wasteland full of hate and politics but I'm sad it has come to be that way. But I've met some great people, some really talented members and people who made me laugh. For that, I thank you. Thank you for making my day. But the reason I'm leaving isn't really about me being offended or hurt or any of that. I really don't want this place to change who I am as a person. I have to admit I'm slowly turning into this cancer, even if just a tiny bit. There are words and phrases that I now know that I have never heard before and I'm using those words. And with me leaving, I hope you guys wouldn't have to see my [url=]"followers" and "white knights"[/url] and with me gone maybe the Khanate can stop messing with me and other groups. I've always heard of all these great forum members and how awesome they were and I've always wondered what happened to them. Now I know. Will I come back? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe once all of this dies down, if it does. But for now I'll stick to my Discord server, which you can join if you want. You can also PM if you want to reach me but for the meantime, I'm done with the forums. Yes I'm being overdramatic with this thread but oh well, add it to the list of cringey things I do here. I guess I'm officially a ghost now. Goodbye :)[/spoiler]

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  • I quit once...Well actually twice, and no one noticed! You'll be missed, I actually quite liked your posts because they were a breath of fresh air from all the real true cringe fest political, and religious posts that are rampant around here. What you have to decide is you're going to do what you want and it doesn't matter what other people think. When you create art there's always going to be haters and "No Sayers" trying their best to bring you down to make themselves feel good. You just gotta block them out and surround yourself with positive people and influences. So take a break, dust yourself off, and when you're ready to return we will be waiting to hear from you.

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    3 Replies
    • Lol

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    • Then the folks who stood up for you did it for nothing. You let the trolls win.

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    • Welcome to 2017. Where society actually thinks they need to explain, and apologize for leaving a game company forum full of people you will probably never meet in real life. Place value on actual human interaction instead of a computer screen.

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      7 Replies
      • Edited by Soviet soldier: 4/10/2017 6:18:14 AM
        apolgy for bad english where were u wen lady gost leve i was at house eating lasania when phone ring "Lady gost is gon" "no"

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        5 Replies
        • Edited by Festivegoose: 4/10/2017 4:22:19 AM
          SHADILAY MY COMRADES! We finally did it! [spoiler]may good memes once again return to the green pastures of offtopepe[/spoiler] [spoiler]genuinely though, good luck lady Ghost, I guess[/spoiler]

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        • 20
          [quote]I've always heard of all these great forum members and how awesome they were and I've always wondered what happened to them. Now I know.[/quote]Tragically accurate, actually.

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          6 Replies
          • Shut up thot

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          • K bye see you in a month just like every other person who says they're leaving

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          • Edited by Lxj: 4/11/2017 1:06:01 AM
            Wait this post was made 28 hours ago but her bio was edited 2 hours ago????? :I

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          • 1
            I would give you my 2 cents but deathclaw beat me to it :(

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          • People used to know my name, I made cringey Destiny threads, and gaming posts. Recently i posted something about my girlfriend issues and one guy remembered me. But I feel ya, i remember when longface left. I was gone for like 7 months and now I'm enjoying this more than when I was semi-popular. But you'll come back, we all do

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          • Edited by Commander Tempu: 4/10/2017 11:36:22 PM
            You will be back. Change your identity as popularity has its price. Just remember people get jealous over the dumbest things. When you fall is when you know who your true friends are. If it were me i would trudge on and bear the loneliness like most leaders do. Find inspiration where you can and know when to take a break from everything. Moderation does wonders and now you know your limits. Be true to yourself and be like me. Never let them see you sweat.

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          • You shouldn't leave because of this. You shouldn't let these "funny" idiots bring you down.

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          • Edited by vanert: 4/9/2017 11:36:08 PM
            It's honestly sad to see that kind of harassment not being handled more effectively. It sucks seeing people leave the website because of that type of behavior. This isn't even being a white knight, it's about common decency.

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            16 Replies
            • Look, there are two ways to respond to hate. The first is what you're doing right now, and letting it crush you. It's clear that you care what people think about you, and that's fine. However, there are people to care about and people not to. If all these people do is give you hate - don't let it beat you down, do way 2. Way 2 is absorbing the hate, instead of falling under it. You don't let it hurt you - you consume it so that it lets you grow as a person. You don't ignore the hate, you absorb it, and allow it to strengthen you. It has a second bonus too - it pisses off the haters when their hate doesn't upset you.

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              4 Replies
              • Stop don't go

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              • That's the thing about popularity. Even when I hit my spike of popularity people were in my DMs saying to kill myself, asking what my gender was, for nudes, and shit talking me because they googled my gamertag. I let the popularity die by switching my name and avatar and disappearing during the month ban. You can't tell these kids what's funny anymore. If they think spamming an email and impersonating someone is comedy gold, there's no saving them. They're just desperate for the attention and likes. You can see it all over Everyone wants to be known. But just trolling Lady isn't going to make you popular kids. Don't get me wrong, I'm not here for Lady's defense, hopefully a wake up call for these wanna-be "trolls." But honestly, take a break and hopefully their little "we won" party will settle them down. By the time you come back they'll probably be gone.

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              • Didn't make the list and... See you never. ~ Cellar Door.

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              • Edited by Nikola Vexla: 4/10/2017 7:29:10 PM
                I don't know who you are, but bye Felicia

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                1 Reply
                • i almost felt bad but then...

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                  3 Replies
                  • So are you [i]leaving[/i] leaving or is this going to be Sandtrap 2.0?

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                    5 Replies
                    • Edited by Gruffy: 4/10/2017 6:14:24 PM
                      I got my psn account spammed after posting in this thread earlier, suggested op needs to seek help. Think the people who spammed me may need help too. For the idiots that tried to get around the psn profanity filter by putting in symbols to replace letters and / to break up the words, you do realise I can manually report that? The Internet isn't for everyone.

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                    • Does this mean I will never have by name art? 😰

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                    • Everyone who is actually nice here is always chased off. I'm surprised you stayed this long, to be honest.

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                    • Sara your posts are normally good this one was cringing because we know you're not going anywhere because this is the place where you recruit all your Discord members

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