originally posted in:A R D E N T
Yeah yeah I'm back. Didn't say I was gonna leave forever lol.
[spoiler][i]Oh great, here goes Lady Ghost again with her cringey threads[/i]
Lol. It's been a wild ride here on these forums but it's time I said my goodbyes. I feel like with me gone, you guys can finally enjoy a better forum experience free of white knights and teens who worship me.
"Stop being dramatic, Sara, it's the internet. Just words on a screen. Ignore it and don't feed the trolls." Well, I did. For about two years. For two years I've put up with the name-calling, [url=http://imgur.com/a/76L4r]the catfish comments[/url], the attention-whoring comments, [url=http://imgur.com/a/wnkQs]the hate messages[/url], the [url=http://imgur.com/a/zKCLl]PMs telling me to die(which are really disturbing)[/url], the irrelevant memes and completely random stuff I've come to experience on here and I have to say, thanks to you guys I've developed a slightly thicker skin online. And I've ignored all of those stuff and even played along with them.
But it's gotten out of hand. It's no longer just BNET. My Tumblr is now floating around several groups. [url=http://imgur.com/a/mjGj9]My personal email address has been leaked[/url] and spammed with memes. [url=http://imgur.com/a/klNNU]I was impersonated a while ago and they pretended to be me giving away my Kik[/url]. My name has been posted around Reddit and the Bungiepedia website. My Discord server has been raided and spammed. And I've had enough.
Everything I do here gets hate. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/204388563]My art thread[/url] gets hate for being nothing but [url=http://imgur.com/a/kBwdM]random words slapped on a document using Microsoft Paint[/url]. The thread [url=https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Forums/Post/214397352]where I got on my guitar and stepped out of my comfort zone to sing(something I have never done before in public) for everyone[/url] had people calling me an attention whore who feeds on likes and replies. [url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/221136172?sort=0&page=0]The thread of me recording a voice-over in #Destiny[/url] had people believing I paid a girl to record that and that I was actually a guy lmao. It's honestly ridiculous. And it shouldn't bother me but at this point it's ruining my threads. I do these things because I love giving back to the community but it's always met with negativity. [url=http://imgur.com/a/HKpmo]And you guys with your downvote brigades[/url]; it's really dumb and ironically those threads usually end up in trending. Not that it matters but efforts like that are really childish.
I feel like the only way to stop all this is just to leave and hope it dies off. Isn't that the reason for all the hate? Surely it was all a ploy to scare me off? I don't think you actually find this "fun," do you? [url=http://imgur.com/a/BPoWK]Oh wait nvm[/url].
But thank you, all the decent people who are here. Thank you for making this forum slightly more bearable. You are the reason I even bother coming back here. I'm sure Bungie never intended this place to be a toxic wasteland full of hate and politics but I'm sad it has come to be that way. But I've met some great people, some really talented members and people who made me laugh. For that, I thank you. Thank you for making my day.
But the reason I'm leaving isn't really about me being offended or hurt or any of that. I really don't want this place to change who I am as a person. I have to admit I'm slowly turning into this cancer, even if just a tiny bit. There are words and phrases that I now know that I have never heard before and I'm using those words. And with me leaving, I hope you guys wouldn't have to see my [url=http://imgur.com/a/sEgKr]"followers" and "white knights"[/url] and with me gone maybe the Khanate can stop messing with me and other groups. I've always heard of all these great forum members and how awesome they were and I've always wondered what happened to them. Now I know.
Will I come back? Maybe. I don't know. Maybe once all of this dies down, if it does. But for now I'll stick to my Discord server, which you can join if you want. You can also PM if you want to reach me but for the meantime, I'm done with the forums. Yes I'm being overdramatic with this thread but oh well, add it to the list of cringey things I do here.
I guess I'm officially a ghost now. Goodbye :)[/spoiler]
[quote]I guess I'm officially a ghost now. Goodbye :)[/quote] Heroes get remembered, but legends never die (^~^)7 *tears roll down my cheek as I extend my arms for a hug with ghost, but now, I can no longer feel the essence of her hug (>^~^)>*
the truth is that i have a crush on you and i just feel like i don't have a right to do so since i don't even know you properly i mean i have no idea about your favourite food or your favourite animal and it just makes me so sad i mean it's really weird to have a crush on person who is almost completely stranger to me but hah i guess that that is the world of adults since people met at bars and online and stuff but i guess that when you meet someone online on some crappy gaming site you at least know something idk idk im sorry i'm weird and -blam!-ed up and a mess and i really apologize for being creepy i never wanted to act like that and it really makes me sad since now you must think that i'm a creep or something well i am a creep but i don't want to be a creep but yeah im too weak so i can't really change myself and yeah okay bye.
Could always just go and create a new account with a new email to see how it's like again to not be the popular topic all the time I guess. Kinda will be sad that you are gone in a way as you always did make quality posts usually even if I didn't agree with a very individual few of them. Ah well farewell.
Edited by wowchild18: 4/10/2017 6:27:55 AMITT; [url=http://i.imgur.com/P8B3f9g.jpg]Assholes and...[/url]
Why don't you just make an alt account or change your username?
Cool stuff. Bye now.
[quote]My Tumblr is now floating around several groups.[/quote] Yeeeaaaah about that.... Tch Now i kinda feel bad but at the same time i don't
Edited by Marty's Retribution: 4/10/2017 7:25:35 AMI would love to join your discord
Pro tip: make an alt and troll the shit out of this place.
It's a shame it came to this but you do you. [spoiler]Probably an unpopular opinion but this stuff is probably partially the fault of white knights.You can ignore the trolls yourself but you can't make others do the same,so then when they engage it basically makes them think you sent white knights at them regardless of whether you did or didn't.Then it makes no difference whether you started a war with trolls or not because you get drawn into it either way.[/spoiler]
Edited by Soviet soldier: 4/10/2017 5:54:38 AM[spoiler]u wil b mised[/spoiler]
I hope this place doesn't affect who you are as a person, and you find peace and happiness in life and that you'll find some people somewhere who appreciate you for you and don't hate you. I've never hated on you for anything you've done here, I actually think you're the best user around, making fun threads that brighten my day. And if you find this place diminishing the wonderful person you are, I'm glad you are leaving. You do not deserve treatment like that. I'm not trying to be mean, but leave, don't hang around. Don't let this place bring you down. You'll do exceptionally well at what ever you take up in life. Goodbye Lady Ghost. I will miss you. :)
Edited by Murderman: 4/9/2017 10:10:33 PMSlade's death wishes are edgier than this thread by miles. This isn't even close to being dramatic.
Really? People raid servers and give death threats because some random girl is popular on a video game site? "Oh this girl has people who like her, THATS A SIN, BURN THE ANTI CHRIST". With -blam!-ing world war three actually about to start we're worried about making sure random people online are miserable. What's even the point, how is it fun to make people feel bad for existing. Maybe I'm reading way too far into this like I usually do for most things (I'm very analytical yet stubborn, and I have plenty of time alone with the thoughts and voices in my head). Welp, there goes, like, one of the two people I actually like, see ya home skillet [spoiler]https://youtu.be/6l6vqPUM_FE[/spoiler]
I'm still gonna send you death threats, [i]sooooo[/i]
Nobody cares. Byyyyyyyyeeeeeeee
Sorry to see you go. I do not talk to you because your posts show up here but seem to be directed at your group, but I still read them & I enjoyed your positivity on here. I left facebook becuase I was tired of all the hate I saw on it, but I do like talking to people, even if no matter how benign your post, you know that at least 1 person is going to try to prove their douchenozzlery.
(>;~;)> plz no...
Who are you?
I always liked your never ending positivity. Best wishes.
The third time you've said you were gonna leave. Let's hope it's for real this time.
Literally who?
Edited by Flamyng, Singer of Flames: 4/10/2017 4:56:58 AMHuh. Sorry to hear that Ghost. You're pretty chill :/
Is there a tl;dr?