originally posted in:A R D E N T
Welcome to the hate club. Quitting and leaving only gives them the satisfaction of victory over you.
ur ghey lol
Edited by HollowedWayfarer: 4/10/2017 2:11:22 PMSomething we can agree on max. That's pretty rare
[quote]Something we can agree on max. That's pretty rare[/quote]
You probably know that better than anyone...good on you, man
I bet you won't quote this reply and reply to it
Edited by Zavala's Pet Cat: 4/10/2017 4:44:21 AM[quote]I bet you won't quote this reply and reply to it[/quote] Jokes on you i quoted it and replied to it instead of Mad Max
You sure told them. [spoiler]*giraffe noise*[/spoiler]
I gotta say i'm starting to build a little respect for you as a person Obviously idgaf about your posts but the fact that you haven't changed since like wut? 2013? Is overwhelming I don't hate you, i don't like you either but i will hate you as much as i hate ladyghost right now if you ever changed in the future.
[quote]Welcome to the hate club. Quitting and leaving only gives them the satisfaction of victory over you.[/quote]
Coming from Mad Max, probably the most hated person on bnet, save for maybe the great nike. We don't agree on everything, but I do love your posts it's entertaining to see all the salty replies.
Better max than that far right ghost guy or the flat earth theory idiot.
flat earth is the best troll bnet has ever seen and ghost doesn't post as much and is agreed with more from what I've seen.
[quote]Welcome to the hate club. Quitting and leaving only gives them the satisfaction of victory over you.[/quote] This
Seriously [i]thats[/i] why you won't leave
Does the site still automatically hide threads if they've been downvoted enough?
[quote]Does the site still automatically hide threads if they've been downvoted enough?[/quote] Nope, they turned that off a while back, which only further boggles my mind why people downvote brigade my posts.
Edited by CAMMCAM: 4/9/2017 9:13:13 PMGood. I've been a hated member for years. Downvote me all day, -blam!-ers.
Whaaaaat? Everyone loves you ;) - Der
A hahahahahaha. In person, sure. Maybe even on social media. Not here.
I find it odd that you're (presumably) a girl and i don't see white knights and shit like that flock to you like they did to sara.
It's because she's more sarcastic and not really cheery. It's a nice contrast, to be honest.
I also don't give a shit anymore hence the birth of my "K.".. It's a much simpler time on bnet nowadays.
I've had my fair share. I'm also a -blam!- so people tend to mute me.