So I tried doing a raid carry earlier helping a friend who hadn't done vog.
What I used to do in year one was just get everyone to snipe from the top while I blocked the teleports myself.
This method is similar. You only need one Titan with a blessing bubble.
Get your team to stand at the top of the steps. You can see them in the video.
Edit: this is what the damage team is supposed to do:
They just pop out of the bubble. Fire rockets. Go back in. Rince and repeat.
This is so easy that I was eating pancakes while doing this. Hence why I ignored being shot by adds at one point. Ideally you should not be eating pancakes while doing this.
Any class can use the relic. I did the exact same thing on my warlock and hunter today as well.
Using this method the fight is over in less than a minute and 30 seconds. The overall damage phase lasted about 40 seconds after my team mates break out of containment.
Edit 2: kill atheon in less than 100 seconds also doing Challenge mode.
Are you guys seeing this? This is how it gets done. People in mid just shoot, shoot, shoot the boss. Relic holder runs between the two teleports. All of my teams would worry about ads to the point where they died all the time and would get low damage in.