Tell who you think it is and why. Of course Crazy Lincloln, Purse, Commander Santa and others stand out as indisputable legends, but I'm asking [b]who you think it currently is[/b].
The one that you have no idea is a troll.
Me and Cozmo Yawn Although we haven't thought of a good one in nearly a year
Bobcast. He does nothing but post circumcision threads and on why it is beneficial. Many men were upset for who knows what. 🙄
None of them are really memorable.
- That guy......
Edited by M1Silencer: 4/10/2017 9:39:43 PMDid you ever hear the tragedy of Wednesday the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story the newfriends would tell you. It’s an Oldfoman legend. Wednesday was a private message troll, so demented and eloquent in his messages he could use them to influence the imagination into seeing things that would scar you for life... He had such a knowledge of the dank side that he could even get others to share his messages, banning them in the process. The dank side of the posting is a pathway to many forum abilities and internet infamy some would consider to be... worthless. Eventually, he became so infamous… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his account, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he kept posting in dank and demented manners, one day crossing the line and harmlessly shitposting a link to 4chans anime board, earning him a permaban in his sleep. Ironic... The same shitposting that brought him infamy would cast him into the nothingness of forgotten obscurity. Such wasted potential.
Dorit got me pretty good when I first started using the forum
Just wait the chosen one shall arise
Why is Lincoln on there twice?
KP. This even a question?
I miss 0_____0
Your mother
I'm the greatest troll. Because I have the amazing stain-fighting power of OXICLEAN stain remover.
Haven't really seen any recently.
Why would you group those uncreative literal whos with an internationally renowned icon lmao
The greatest troll is the one we'll never find out is a troll.
Engrapadora was a great man
Cowboy Harambe