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Edited by TheLegs41: 4/11/2017 3:06:01 PM

Let's talk capitalism.

With the announcement of the Xbox Scorpio, there has been a noticeable increase in fanboy hate from both Sony and Microsoft fans. I'm here to clear some things up about what's really going on with these console titans. Sony fans say it will fail because of a lack of exclusives, and Microsoft fans say that it will crush Sony for good this time. (Paraphrasing the general tone. Don't ask me for quotes.) I don't think people understand healthy competition anymore. The CEOs of Microsoft and Sony are probably sitting around together laughing at the saltfest coming from both sides, as they have this entire console generation, and every generation before. The more uproar we the consumers make, the more they sell—on both sides. They probably flipped a coin to see who would "win" this generation, and when Sony won Microsoft tanked that first E3 and basically continually shot themselves in the foot. Then they both waited, released their updated consoles, profited off of more saltiness, and now they're setting up to do it again. Only this time it's Microsoft's turn. This time Microsoft has unveiled its monster console, and developers will flock to it for exclusive deals.[spoiler]Btw, I don't know if people know how exclusives work. A lot of people act like Microsoft is just not trying for any exclusives right now. That may be partially true, but it's more likely that developers just want to go with Sony because the PS4 is better graphically, and Sony probably pays more. Developers decide the exclusives, not the console owner.[/spoiler] Those exclusive deals will most likely give Microsoft the significant boost in sales that they need to gear up for the next generation, and Sony will use the profits that they have collected the last few years to build their next system. tldr: the complexities of economics and capitalism are lost on the basic fanboys that make up the majority of video game consumers. Edit: Some good responses, others not so much. It seems like a lot of people have gained the ability to see the future, and continue to insist that no games are coming out for the Scorpio. Just because there haven't been any announced yet, doesn't mean there won't be any. At least wait for E3 to make statements like that.

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