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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/11/2017 10:53:29 PM
[b]The Final Plot | Part One[/b] Kent opens his eyes, the room he is in is pitch black, cold and empty. He sits up on the hard stone floor, squinting heavily, trying to adjust his eyes in the dark. His augmentations kick in, and the room lights up as if there is no darkness at all. Kent begins to stand, using the wall behind him as support. He had been thrown in the room after discovering the location of the man he has been looking for -- Bulman Heckner. A well-known figure in the criminal community, and an even better known one to Kent; having come across him years prior on a mission for a missing woman out in the Isomeris Galaxy. They had a fight which ended in Kent tossing Bulman off of a rooftop. Kent believed that he was dead until the incident with his daughter. He begins limping towards the door, oddly it is left unlocked. He slowly pushes it open, the metal creating a loud screeching sound, “Any of you assholes here?” Kent shouts down the hall, holding his side. No response. He sighs, continuing onward towards another door. This time, the door is locked. Kent sighs again, reaching for a gun. Surprisingly, he still has them. He grabs his shotgun, unloading a single round into the door. The metal hinge breaks, leaving the door slowly ajar. Kent swings it open the rest of the way, sunlight piercing his broken visor. He proceeds out of the door, walking into an unobstructed walkway. Around him is a large drill site, an enormous hole is beneath his feet. He walks across until making it to the other side, there he finds abandoned drilling equipment and dead construction workers. “What the hell?” Kent whispers to himself, confused. He grabs one of the bodies, flipping it over, “hmm… bullet wound to his abdomen, seems the bullet went right through,” he plucks something off of the man's bullet wound. “Wire? That's… odd.” Kent rises, dropping the piece of wire onto the worker's corpse. As he nears the edge of the drilling site, Kent is met with the view of a large crater, and in the center sits a figure; his physique matching that of Kent’s in his younger years. Kent slides down the side of the crater fumbling over and rolling to the bottom. The man sitting in the center of the malformed rock stands, facing Kent, “Look at you, you're broken,” the figure says, approaching the wounded super soldier. “It's a pity you won't be leaving here.” [i]One Week Earlier[/i] “-blam!-, -blam!-, -blam!-!” Kent shouts behind cover, “why the hell are there so many?” He looks over the cover, firing multiple rounds at the onslaught of mercenaries surrounding him. He hits multiple with precise accuracy, though missing a few others. He slumps back down, reloading. As he reaches for another magazine he finds nothing. He has no ammo, “Ah, shit,” Kent whispers to himself, “agh, plan B then.” He says hitting a switch on the side of his rifle. The bottom of the gun begins to open, and a saw blade slowly moves to the underbarrel. The blade begins to whirl loudly as Kent holds the trigger down. A mercenary leaps over the sheet of metal Kent is hiding behind, and tries to stab him in the chest. However, Kent quickly holds up his rifle, the blade and chainsaw colliding into a cascade of sparks. The saw blade is stronger than the knife, and cuts it in two, pushing past into the merc’s hand. He screams in pain as the saw cuts through his hand and arm, blood spewing from the open wound. Kent takes the stock of the gun and rams it into the attacker’s temple, knocking him out. Quickly, Kent taps the datapad on his wrist, activating an energy shield. He then leaps over his cover, pushing into the mercenaries. He swings the saw blade left and then right, cutting most of the attackers in half, some only getting sliced open at the stomach, leaving their entrails to spill out onto the floor; dying a slow death. Bullets that are fired at the super soldier bounce off the shield, ricocheting all over the large hangar. Kent grabs a mercenary by the throat, using his lightning to make the merc’s head explode. He then follows up the attack with a shockwave of electricity which completely wipes out the rest of the attackers in the area. Kent puts his rifle on his back, letting out a heavy sigh. He puts his finger to his ear, talking through the intercoms he had set up with an old friend of his, “Alright, Lycan, I need you to hurry with that pick up. I have a slight feeling that there will be a lot more coming this way,” “In a pickle right now, sir.” Lycan replies, from the sound of it he was gritting his teeth. “Fine. Do what you have to.” “Whaddya want me to do, sir?” Another voice says over the comms; Devante. “Where are you right now?” Kent asks, trying to gain access to the doors in the hangar. “Just passed the bridge. Making my way towards the mess hall right now.” “Alright, once you pass the mess hall, make a sharp right, and then head straight from there. You will come to a stairwell - go down. That will bring you to the hangar.” “On it.” Devante says, his voice quivering as he runs. Kent manages to hack into the hangar’s export power array, allowing him to open all doors for Devante and Lycan to enter. More Hevalin troops run in from the western section of the hangar. Kent grabs his rifle that oddly resembles that of a barrett, firing multiple plasma rounds into the large group of enemies. The soldiers’ bodies collapse onto the floor after each shot, leaving large holes in their chests. The Hevalin troops begin to take cover behind large metal crates and containers, firing over their heads trying to hit him. Kent puts the plasma rifle on his back, unsheathing his scimitar. As he closes his eyes, he holds the sword up to his visor, focusing on the bullets around him. In an instant, Kent teleports from the control room, to behind the soldiers. With one thrust he kills one of the armed men, and then with one flick of his wrist, he moves the sword to the right, cutting horizontally at a bullet fired by another. Effortlessly, the bullet it cut in half, splitting two different directions; killing two more soldiers behind Kent. He teleports again, shoving his sword into the jugular of another soldier. As the remaining soldiers open fire on Kent, he vanishes again, this time when he appears in the center of them all, he sends out a large shockwave; much larger than the last, ultimately killing the rest of the Hevalin troops. “Kent, they're coming!” Devante shouts, running through the east section of the hangar. In the blink of an eye Kent teleports over to him, helping Devante move one of the large crates in front of the door, “You think this'll hold?” Devante asks, catching his breathe. “Yes. But not for long.” The two ready their weapons, Kent's being a shotgun and Devante's being two chiappa rhinos. Bashing and shouting can be heard from the other side of the door, “Alright. I'm close to the hangar doors -- you open them yet?” Lycan asks over comms. “Yeah, you are clear for entering,” the soldiers behind the crate begin welding it with their plasma blades, “make it quick, they're almost inside -- I believe these are Hevalin Bourdenshé.” “Shit. Alright, I will be there in two minutes.” Kent and Devante begin moving back as the blades push more and more through the crate. Kent tells Devante to set up explosives at the entrance. He places two on either side, each filled with shards of Valmenogrium, a very thin but sharp metal Kent had found on Beku. The Bourdenshé manage to cut through the crate, pushing into the room. They brandish their swords, raising them up towards the side of their heads. They look around the hangar, scanning left and right, but Kent and Devante are gone. More troops move in behind them as they say the hangar is clear, but as they all make it through, the explosives detonate. The metal shards inside of the bombs cut through the armor of each soldier that entered the room, their limbs dismembered entirely. Some even have their heads taken off. However, though the explosives were effective, two Bourdenshe still survive the attack; metal protruding from their armor. The two slowly move around the area, one limping. Devante appears behind the wounded one, shoving his dagger into the soldier's neck. Then, Kent appears next to the other one, putting his hand on the Bourdenshe’s head, sending a mass amount of electricity throughout his armor. The soldier’s body shakes violently as he falls to the floor, blood pouring from his helmet, “Well shit,” Devante says, leaned over the body, “I really hope there ain't more.” “I hope so too,” Kent replies, putting his hand up to his ear, “Lycan, you close by?” “Yessir, comin’ in now.” Lycan flies in through the hangar doors, the ships roaring engine causing the large area to shake, the reverberation being felt in the mess hall. Lycan lands steadily onto the metallic floor, opening the hatch on the bottom. Kent and Devante enter, taking their helmets off. As the ship slowly rises, the hatch begins to close, and then Lycan quickly flies out of the large doors; the vast open universe before them. [spoiler]Closed. Open to feedback.[/spoiler]

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