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Discuss all things Destiny.
Edited by UltraCon79: 4/14/2017 6:28:45 PM

Get a job... Happy Easter, kids.

You Children without any liquid income are not the target demographic. The sooner you accept this the happier you will be. For "kids" that think that not preordering the game is going to somehow change the quality at release; you do understand that these games were already made years ago and that your purchase does not change them don't you? ●Good games like we had on NES, Sega, PS1 etc. were only complete games without DLC because the Internet had not yet become a viable media for the average consumer. ●It's not hidden. The whole point of DLC is to substitute for lack of subscription fees. Xbox and Playstation already charge you for using your own internet. Bungie needs income to maintain servers and make a profit. ●If it costs 20 million to make a game that means you need to net 60 million to cover the first game to fund it's servers and the next game to stay in business. ○Now you have a widely availibe online environment thanks in most part to the target demographic of working ages 25 to 40 with liquid income that allows Development to expand games from 25 gigabytes to well over 60 gigabytes. ○We in turn purchase these games and Internet subscriptions for you our [i]children.[/i] We buy your PS Network, Xbox Live, and we buy products placed in ads on your home screen that allow you the privilege to call yourself a "Gamer." You act as though there should be some kind of limitation on profit for Bungie, etc. as if there would be any games at all without any profit. ☆ ○Trees will stop being planted when you stop using paper. ○Ask yourself this, "How can I be opposed to preordering while at the same time I buy books, newspapers, or go to the movies?" ●When you don't preorder because you think the game is being cut up like a Pizza you are [i]actually[/i] asking for a game that did not have planned expansion and just because you knew some additional content had already been developed you [u]assume[/u] that it was cut from the original. [spoiler]Start at paragraph 3 and stop here.[/spoiler] You whine and moan about pay to win, but you gladly play all the content it funds. [quote]You can get a good look at a T- bone by sticking your head up a bulls a**, but I'd rather take the butchers word for it.[/quote] I gladly threw my money at my screen because I am an adult. I pay taxes for my streets. I pay taxes to feed the homeless people who live in my streets. I pay people to pump the crap from my toilets under my house. I pay for the guy who collects my garbage. But heaven forbid the company that adds a bit of enjoyment to my life make any profit on my preorder! Put simply if we all stop pre-ordering games today those games would not go to launch and we would never get to play them at all. [b][i][u]GET A JOB![/u][/i][/b] 1500+ Edit Day 3: Are you one of those kids with your hair sticking out from under the front of your crooked "baseball" cap and tight skinny jeans somehow still bunched up in the back? You look like you pooped your pants after a good window licking session. Toejam & Earl edit: people are complaining because I'm editing this post I see this as a live thread. Editing my thread is how I am able to respond to everyone at the same time and borrow other people's good insights in which case I always give them credit inside their original post.

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  • Wasn't this already a topic? The fug bro

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    • Simply put, if we all stop pre-ordering games, games would still launch, but with a much more quality product.

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      9 Replies
      • 1
        1. No one cares 2. Your kd sucks

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        9 Replies
        • Dude, you're pretty pathetic. You must have enjoyed all that attention that you copy and pasted it and created a new post once the comments came to an end. Let it go. Pathetic.

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          87 Replies
          • I missed this the first time around, and I just have to ask... "Already made years ago"...? You do realize they're adding things to the game until it's content locked and then working on patches all the way up to release, right? Once a game goes "gold", which I [i]really[/i] doubt D2 has, it's ready for disk. Even after that though, if they have to, the devs will work on a day 1 patch No clue where you got the idea that D2 is somehow "finished" already.

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          • And just remember. Ordering a pizza is also preordering.

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            10 Replies
            • Edited by TheShadow: 4/14/2017 4:36:47 PM
              [b]It's cute on how you have avoided valid response with childish statements through this entire post that is nothing but your "opinion" just thought id throw that out there knowing you done the same thing on other threads.[/b] Voting with your wallet does change things. Nothing in this would is set in stone when it comes to creating games, because if it was... [b]Companies wouldn't need license agreements[/b] This means anything can change in a game when it comes to creating content at any given time within a certain time frame prior to release. Gee! This company wouldn't ever think about doing that would they? That would be unthinkable and giving Activision too much credit... Destiny before it was released in 2014 is a prime example of that knowing a year before the game was released Bungie chopped up this entire game and sold it in pieces. Creating expansions and treating them like they were full games that The taken wallet was stretched out for an entire year. Now they are doing that with whatever you want to call this half backed expansion. If this company can scrape the original writers story just before the game was released. I can only imagine what 800+ employees can do knowing it was only 500 or less at that time. Your little theory that not pre-ording wont help improve future installments is false and your attempt to say you are "right" just shows how wrong you actually are. It's your choice throwing money at the screen because you will except less. But gamer's that are Adults that want to see an actual complete game and story are not going to throw money at the screen just to see another D1. And this nonsense about gamer's having money. I don't care if a game is $100 or more If it actually has the content worth the amount then ill buy it. I'm not paying to re-buy a game I already paid for like the BS Bungie tried to pull with The taken wallet. Only offering the $80 to re-buy the entire game I already paid for just to buy The taken wallet. It took Bungie's fanbase getting pissed off because Bungie didn't offer a low price to just pre-order The taken wallet for almost 3 months that they had to come out with a statement saying, we don't have a price just to buy The taken wallet but will look into it. Yeah! Voting with our wallet never works does it???

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              14 Replies
              • While I agree with some of what you're saying, [b]Most[/b] children especially today's children don't know what capitalism is. They just expect to given everything. Even the teenagers of today think this way. I would point this topic more towards the games targeted demographic. Age does not equal maturity. Some ppl treat this video game as a job. It's a video game and should be treated as such. I try not to engage with forum trolls or the haters. There's no point. My opinion is just that. Mine. Let them hate. It doesn't effect me or my opinions in anyway shape or form. I do find it hilarious that they can't leave the forum of a game they supposedly hate. I like to read those when I take a💩! It triggers my bowels;)!!!!

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                2 Replies
                • Please come to my car dealership. You can give me $35k with out conducting a test drive, with out a consumer reports review and I will choose what car you drive home and with what features. Your logic is insipid. Our dollars are the only way we can really provide feedback to these companies that will actually influence and inform their future actions for our benefit. Withholding pre-orders until proper gameplay trailers and public beta tests are conducted not to mention 3rd party reviews is not only proper but it's one of the few ways we can hold a company accountable. Furthermore video games were being made for decades prior to the phenomenon of pre-ordering- lack of preorders will have no effect on the business cycle of video games. Stop thinking like a child. You may have a job but based on your level of reasoning it would seem to be one involving a fryer and the phrase "Can I upsize that value meal for you?"

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                  49 Replies
                  • You know what you're gettting from pre-ordering a game? A big Dick in your mouth. When you pre-order a game you're just committing to paying for something that some assholes in California haven't even finished working on yet.

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                    5 Replies
                    • Lol. Your obviously not happy with your life.

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                    • Despite trying to make a logical argument you fail by telling the people this is targeted to they are not the target. Then telling them they're stupid because this (preorders) are the new "this" doesn't help. You basically said, "Back in my day......." I hope you realize your flawed argument and address it. Also file size != quality. Wow it's 60GB instead of 28GB. I guess those textures will provide better AI? What? You say algorithms don't produce significant difference in file size? You must be thinking rationally. Just stop. Please.

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                    • I have a job

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                    • Jayne of Canton schooled you. Take note,

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                    • And a Happy Easter to you too!

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                    • That Day 3 edit, though. If you [i]are[/i] one of those kids that wears the waistline of your pants below your ass cheeks, do yourself a favor: ask someone that's been to prison how that trend started. It might make you think twice, and pull up your pants.

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                      • Edited by BrianFantastic: 4/15/2017 3:44:49 PM
                        I'm a full time chef with 3 young(ish) kids. My play time can be limited. I'm not buying the game until I know what I'm paying for. No dedicated pvp servers. No sale. No stopping carries in competitive pvp. No sale. No story. No sale. I've got £200 waiting to buy the deluxe edition as soon as I'm satisfied the above criteria are met. EDIT; [u]Assuming trials is still a thing.[/i] Stopping or at least reducing (Paid) carries should be relatively simple. Once a character has gone flawless either; A) lockout that character from trials (not desirable or what I want) B) reduce the pool of players you will match against to others who have already gone flawless. Then add another pool for people with 2x flawless etc. Make it account wide so you only play others of the same skill level. If someone in your FT has 4x flawless runs that week, the whole fireteam is places in the 4x flawless matchmaking pool. However, It's really not my job to sort out how its done, it's simply a factor in whether I buy the game or not. I'm not saying they should cater to my demands. That's absurd. I'm simply and clearly setting out the parameters i personally would like to see satisfied in order for me to purchase D2.

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                        35 Replies
                        • [quote]For "kids" that think that not preordering the game is going to somehow change the quality at release; you do understand that these games were already made years ago and that your purchase does not change them don't you?[/quote] Destiny was completely rehashed a little less than a year before release, resulting in a worse game than it could have been. People who don't preorder are just being wary of the next game. However, I do agree that these people should dog on others for preordering a game. It's a pretty shifty thing to do.

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                          3 Replies
                          • Just wanna throw out that this game is kinda marketed to kids though. Hence why they really fought for that T for teen rating.

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                            7 Replies
                            • Who cares about whatever you're talking about. New MST3K is out today.

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                            • Mcdonalds is not a proper job... Hahaha

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                            • Hey! I have a job! It just sucks....

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                            • What the hell does this have to do with Destiny????

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                              2 Replies
                              • Soooo you're saying preorder the game? Already did.

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                                2 Replies
                                • Please.... Stop giving this self pronounced "Man" attention ._.

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • I don't see the purpose of your post. You just seem to be rambling about something no many care about, yet you seem to be passionate of this little matter. Instead of making long rants on a forum site, you yourself should get a job.

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