You Children without any liquid income are not the target demographic. The sooner you accept this the happier you will be.
For "kids" that think that not preordering the game is going to somehow change the quality at release; you do understand that these games were already made years ago and that your purchase does not change them don't you?
●Good games like we had on NES, Sega, PS1 etc. were only complete games without DLC because the Internet had not yet become a viable media for the average consumer.
●It's not hidden. The whole point of DLC is to substitute for lack of subscription fees. Xbox and Playstation already charge you for using your own internet. Bungie needs income to maintain servers and make a profit.
●If it costs 20 million to make a game that means you need to net 60 million to cover the first game to fund it's servers and the next game to stay in business.
○Now you have a widely availibe online environment thanks in most part to the target demographic of working ages 25 to 40 with liquid income that allows Development to expand games from 25 gigabytes to well over 60 gigabytes.
○We in turn purchase these games and Internet subscriptions for you our [i]children.[/i] We buy your PS Network, Xbox Live, and we buy products placed in ads on your home screen that allow you the privilege to call yourself a "Gamer."
You act as though there should be some kind of limitation on profit for Bungie, etc. as if there would be any games at all without any profit. ☆
○Trees will stop being planted when you stop using paper.
○Ask yourself this, "How can I be opposed to preordering while at the same time I buy books, newspapers, or go to the movies?"
●When you don't preorder because you think the game is being cut up like a Pizza you are [i]actually[/i] asking for a game that did not have planned expansion and just because you knew some additional content had already been developed you [u]assume[/u] that it was cut from the original.
[spoiler]Start at paragraph 3 and stop here.[/spoiler]
You whine and moan about pay to win, but you gladly play all the content it funds.
[quote]You can get a good look at a T- bone by sticking your head up a bulls a**, but I'd rather take the butchers word for it.[/quote]
I gladly threw my money at my screen because I am an adult. I pay taxes for my streets. I pay taxes to feed the homeless people who live in my streets. I pay people to pump the crap from my toilets under my house. I pay for the guy who collects my garbage.
But heaven forbid the company that adds a bit of enjoyment to my life make any profit on my preorder!
Put simply if we all stop pre-ordering games today those games would not go to launch and we would never get to play them at all.
[b][i][u]GET A JOB![/u][/i][/b]
Edit Day 3: Are you one of those kids with your hair sticking out from under the front of your crooked "baseball" cap and tight skinny jeans somehow still bunched up in the back?
You look like you pooped your pants after a good window licking session.
Toejam & Earl edit: people are complaining because I'm editing this post I see this as a live thread. Editing my thread is how I am able to respond to everyone at the same time and borrow other people's good insights in which case I always give them credit inside their original post.
Nobody is making people or forcing people to pre-order D2 or anything else for that matter and telling people not to based on your pesonnal opinion is ridiculous. If you have the money and want to buy it do so,if not then dont,its not hard to understand. The profit thing- Not pre-ordering the game will make no difference what so ever to its content or its design. D2 has been in development for a long time,put this into context, 1 25min episode of the simpsons takes 6 months to make, how long do you think a interactive console game takes? The idea that the money D2 pre orders make now is going to have a influence is ludicrous. Activision/bungie dont just pocket all the profits and have a massive party, they have share holders/investers to pay, these people invest a lot of money into activision/bungie and alot more game developers/ publishers, they, in return, want a return on that investment, which comes out of the profits made from the games sold, the more games sold the more profit, the more profit makes a more attractive investment opportunity for more investment, meaning better game development in the future. Without these investers there would be limited money, meaning there would be limited game/tech development and very few if any good games being made. Before people start saying "we are paying fat cat investers a fortune" these people risk thousands/millions £$€ to help forward the game industry and in the hope they get a successful return. If you have a problem with the game world and want a say in how bungie/activision and the game industry is run then go buy some shares,become an invester. Trying to break or ruin a company isn't going to help in anyway what so ever.