I just finished a Supremacy match, where neither team won. It finished in a 120-120 tie game. WHAT THE LITERAL FVKC? Seriously, Bungie? Why? What happened to overtime? seriously... sudden death, anything. Next crest picked up wins? Higher team grimoire breaks the tie? The team with less Warlocks wins? Anything!!!!!!! lol!
I've played a ridiculous amount of crucible over these 2.5+ years and don't ever remember a match ending in a tie, ever. What is the purpose of tie games? This isn't international futball or even American Football. Its a freaking video game. My thumbs weren't getting tired. I didn't have to save my energy for next weeks' game. There is no safety hazard for going into overtime in a 10 minute match.
You guys do a lot of trollish stuff with your game, but this takes the cake. There isn't an explanation on this planet that could satisfy my vexxed state. Please, no ties in Destiny 2.
What do you expect with everyone bitching the game is too slow now. You think they would actually implement overtime and put in effort anymore than they had to for elimination either? The game does even actually end the games in the rewards screen. Finish a strike with enemies around say goodbye to your 10000 xp without dying bounty. The even fixed it in the Tamils strike at one point and then put the stupid dregs back in.