Just want to get people's thoughts on this subject. Do you hate people that just boot you after a few attempts and are being not that friendly? Or do you prefer the have fun raid group that takes longer but has a positive attitude. Personally I prefer one that is fun because I think raids are supposed to take a little while. Wipes are going to happen people make mistakes I prefer chill players other then people who yell at each other or people who boot a player for making them wipe once or twice
You know you can do the raids fast and still have fun it just depends on wether the people in group are fun or not
Elitist runs become necessary as the rest of the runs become more and more inexperienced. Don't get me wrong, I help people out a lot, but if I need to get the raid done quick it's gonna be as stacked as it can be.
I prefer a slow paced group Call me a filthy casual all you want, I just want the memories of what I've accomplished, just like in Year 1 Sure you get your loot faster with the Elitists but, it isn't much fun, just a bunch of sweats who tear you up when you mess up. It's more fun with people who you can socialize to instead of a bunch of people who get pissed off immediately if someone dies/Doesn't do their job
The best raid groups are the ones who are fun and efficient.
Voted for fast. The elitist crap needs to stop. People can take it serious, have some fun, and get it done quick. Not wanting to always have to teach or figure out who is lying, is not elitist. It's actually pretty damn normal. People have stuff to do. An oryx CP kill should take 10-20 mins max, not 3 hours listening to a guy lie and make excuses for 2 hours. There are a few elitists, but they are way out-numbered by both the good people and crappy players.
Fun, because it's a friggin video game and meant to be fun. People with the stick up their asses about it are missing the point of playing a video game.