So I've been going through the grimoire since I'm bored and I discovered this from the grimoire card: Sylok: The defiled
...Gragghh ...g-ggglorious pain!!!
>>Memory synapses are firing.
>Finally. Let’s see what we’ve... wh— what is that?
...Blllessssseeddd is the N-Nastareth!!!
What the absolute hell is this Knight talking about?
I decided to dig deeper and see if this was mentioned anywhere else in the grimoire. I loaded up the Isthar Collective website and searched with the Key Word as "Nastareth"
I got only one result, and it was from the same damn card from my quote.
So what in the everliving honey badger sh#t is the Nastareth?!
Well, I have a few theories.
1. It's the Hive Pantheon. Simply put, gods are considered blessed by their worshippers. It wouldn't be to far fetched to think the Nastareth is the Hive Pantheon.
2. Nastareth is the darkness. Hear me out. Sylok is a Taken knight. That means the darkness literally consumed him. So it could be the name of the Darkness, or perhaps a Representation of it.
3. Nastareth could be another name for Oryx. Later in the card Sylok says this:
...Ammm I strong enough, Oryx? Is it ttt-timme?
>>It’s too much! It’s overloading!
This can mean that Nastareth is possibly a another more intimate name for Oryx. I say intimate because Sylok may have been a minor son of Oryx. A comparison to this is from the Bible (That's as far as I'm gonna go, I don't want to get banned)
Those are my three theories. There may be more in game, but I haven't found any what so ever. If you do, please let me know.
Fellow Lore Theorists, it's time to figure this the -blam!- out!!!
Edit: Mr. Haffoc had this to say.
[quote]I'm guessing it's the name of the Deep/Darkness, which is the actual power that takes things. Oryx just wields the power.
Ikora thinks the power behind Oryx is the same power we encountered in the black garden.
[quote]Oryx wields this power. But Oryx did not make it. We face the same flower we met in the Black Garden.
The process is simple: an aperture opens, like a jaw, and swallows a living thing. It passes into — another place. Later, it returns.
What returns is...
I try to use the word ‘shadow’ but Eris hisses at me. A shadow is a flat projection cast by a light and an object. Less real. Eris insists that these Taken are more real, somehow. She uses words like inhabited, exalted, rendered final...
Is this power blind? Just a natural energy Oryx discovered? I cannot believe it.
My Hidden tell me that the Taken shine with seething, negative light. As if the universe is curling up around them. As if they radiate some pathology that decays into our world as nothingness...
The Taken serve Oryx. But I think those jaws lead elsewhere.[/quote]
Interestingly Rasputin refers to the Darkness/Deep that he fought against, just before the collapse, as IT (The Queen of Final Shapes)
That other place is possibly the universe where the Darkness/Deep exists in it's true form, we know Oryx had to leave our universe to meet and commune with the Deep.[/quote]
I have nothing to add but this was a damn good topic