[quote]Downloadable Audio links:
[b]SoundCloud[/b] https://soundcloud.com/oceans-of-canopy/dtc-episode-46
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Welcome to episode 46 of the #destinytruthcast where you the community join us in talking all things Bungie and Destiny. Today RedWingGirl and I welcome bnet community guests erakis1 and skAnarkist to the podcast.
Today's topics include:
-Guest spotlights
-Iron Banana
-What weapons are you seeing people use this go-round?
-Grenades, who knew they're supposed to kill?
-Challenge mode thoughts
-Where the f*** is all the armor?
-[url=https://www.bungie.net/en/Forums/Post/225316867?sort=0&page=0]Post of the week[/url]
-Favorite moments of the week
Once again thank you to eralis1 and skAnarkist for joining us today and we thank you for listening and participating on the forums. We can be found on twitter @dstinytruthcast and online at www.destinytruthcast.com
As always, if you'd like to be on a future podcast, message us and let us know your thoughts on the game and what you think would be an important topic to come on and discuss. We look forward to hearing from you and can't wait to hear more voices on the next episode :)
[spoiler]Theme song: Convince Us
Artist: Swell
Album: Whenever You're Ready[/spoiler]
History of #dtc guests:
[spoiler]Once again I want to thank each of the Guardians who've appeared on the #dtc and helped make this such a cool experience as we've gotten to know each other a little and talk Destiny. Hope the list continues to grow with many more Guardians from the forums :)
J Stevensontown
Draken Wolfe
ill skillz 1881
U Cant Tunafish
Hap Happyton
King Nis
Supreme Butthurt
SithLord Osirus
The Grass Fever
Optimus immortal
Carlous Scopalo
Theo Papi (Shotgun Warrior)
Tim of Tacoma
Supermans Doctor
King Cepheus
Paul Tassi
The Orwell
Edited by UFSman: 4/19/2017 3:33:56 PMRed wing I'm surprised that your not angry about getting the same adept weapon 4 times. I was, we are surrposed to have a smart loot system and it's not smart. Iron banner is always like that, you can have a good hour or a bad hour. I did all my characters solo this week, had a few bad game also had a few great games. It really does depend on who you get dropped in with and I do hate the afk and the lagging players. I made a few comebacks and took on a whole team by myself several times. Even killed the whole team within the first 2 minutes by myself on point b and I was not cheating. Cleverly paced grenades gets them all the time. It was the same but the mm was a bit faster. I just wish that reporting someone would actually work, if you've been reporting straight every 5 minutes for 3 games they should be kicked even if in a fire-team, but nope still in and still lagging. Sniper just makes the game too easy, it's to quick and too easy to use. theirs no stay or movement penalties. If they nerf scope time add stay when moving, it would make the game harder and move enjoyable. Problem is destiny wants to be both. It wants to be competitive in pvp and be Loot based in pve. they want both the Rock Paper Scissors and yet still have balance. I just hope they improve the severs maybe go dictated. Stop allowing fire-teams in pvp if your doing connection based mm. And make so when iron banner is on that we can still do the raid without it gilitching more just cause iron banner is on. I agree with you redwing I don't like it ethier we shouldn't be force to use sidearms just cause they have ammo on death. Grenades in iron banner, where has been a lot of players using fusion grenades. they even go out of there way to use them and just use them over and over again. The problem with grenades nerf is that they want Rock Paper Scissors game play yet only have a few grenades which can out right kill all the rest just do 70% damage, and I think all grenades should be equal etheir make them all one hit kill or make them all do 70% damage. their shouldn't be ones in between, your forcing people to play classes which have one shot kill grenades, just so they don't If to throw two and I think that's wrong. I've been seeing a lot more grenade being used now than ever before and sometimes I go ages without seeing grenades other than stickies being used. Even I think about using guns which reduce your grenade cool down just so you can use more grenades. Lighting grenades have already been nerfed their pulse fire rate has been slowed down. I agree with you redwing I used to be known as the post-mortem king with grenade kills, I still am by some of my clan mates and that is cause I use them to kill a lot when I was a hunter. I hate that they nerf trip mines I used to love them and I think all grenades should be nerfed to that level, just to make it fair and to make it so you have to pick up after them, clearly grenades were never meant to kill people with them on this game. I agree with you redwing it's a grenade and it should kill you not do 70% damage and allow them to still kill you. That is why trails players should never get to do a patch cause they do not understand what destiny is about. I have never played halo other than the occasional time I went over to my friends house to play it so I've only ever done about 6 hours on halo before destiny so I ordered destiny purely cause of how good it sounded and I loved the beta so much i couldn't wait to get started in it. Souls while I agree with you on nerfing fusion next is lighting they have already nerf trip mines was that fair? They nerf nothing manclicalls was that fair? They have already nerf every other grenade to the point where it does not kill where you if to pick up after it and that's not fair I don't want to If pick up after my grenades I don't want to be choosing a class just cause they have killer grenades. I feel for you on the loot I'm the same red wing I'm waiting for the armour and still not having the right rolls seems like knuckles only works on one challenge and you only get one extra drop so it not raining loot and even gives the same things over and over again on my third corrective measure and my 4 fate bringer adept. I would like more loot I think everyone would like more loot. I hope in destiny 2 there will be placement rewards in pvp cause I hate doing all the work winning the match and seeing a lengendry go to last place. Vog is still my favourite cause a the graphics and the fact that is was so new never been done before in a video game feel and I just love it all yes some of the challenges are like and I'm going to hate it this week when my raid team is going to be like that. This week is aksis challenge and I'll be saying no warlocks there to slow this is where you stand this is where you must be looking etc and we will be wiping a lot cause if you miss one teleport that's it you if to start the challenge again and that is so silly, I hate challenge like that. croata challenge easy, golth challenge easy, but that thing is not easy any mistakes and you start again. Favourite part was multiple times being the one man army and killing 5 to 7 people while defending a control point or while defending heavy on hunter and Titan .