Gaming at it's core is supposed to be fun however, corporate greed (Countless DLCs that lock people out of the game and appealing to the lowest common denominator) and elitism from gamers themselves is killing our hobby.
Almost every game is "you must have this piece of gear or we won't even talk to you", or "you must have a positive K/D".
Well let me tell you a secret, K/D doesn't matter on it's own. It's a worthless stat. It's only an indicator of skill if you're also pushing the objective. (Something that nobody does anymore)
[spoiler]Plus the sniper hoards are a huge turn off to new players, so if you see that your team has twenty snipers, maybe you should try something new! Play as a medic or a support class![/spoiler]
[spoiler]I would argue that a player who keeps a point held or is resupplying their team is more important than even the best K/D ratio, it keeps matches moving and keep things fun for everyone. In other words: Play the objective!!![/spoiler]
As far as gear elitism goes, we shouldn't be ruining peoples gaming experiences by requiring they have a certain item, I've talked to many old friends and asked "why did you quit Destiny?" or "why did you quit Elder Scrolls?" And the answer is almost always "nobody would do anything with me because I didn't have "X" piece of gear"
We need to start treating new players better, we need to remember that our hobby is meant to be fun, not a frustrating match spent camping the same corner miles away from the objective, so in conclusion: [b]Get out there and for god's sake, play the objective![/b]
I'll give you the dlc point, to a point. K/d also does matter. The more time you spend dead the less time you spend ptfo. Also, gear score does matter to a point. A lot of end game activities require better gear score in order to do well. If anything I'd replace those two things with elitism.