Just played a few matches with this, and dear BOB the damage falloff is [b] ATROCIOUS[/b].
For an exotic Hand Cannon meant to deal precision damage at range, the recent nerfs have made that [i] incredibly[/i] difficult to do!
Dear lord Hamrick! What the he** do you think you're doing?!?!
I used to absolutely LOVE this gun, but now it just feels like punishment when using it.
For pete's sake, revert the damage falloff back to how it used to be! From all appearances, you guys in charge of the recent "balancing" have NO clue how do it well or properly.
Remember how you (Hamrick) said that "Nutty McNutface" was a lazy name for a squirrel? You said this in response to a hilarious Reddit post about your decision making process regarding nerfs (or "balances", as you prefer to put it).
It may well be a lazy name for a squirrel, but you know what's even [i]LAZIER[/i]?
Maybe, nerfing Hungering Blade and breaking other regen perks in the process...? You guys have been either incompetent or dishonest, and it's time you own up to it.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I absolutely LOVE The First Curse. It's probably my favorite exotic. THAT is why I'm so mad.
Nerfs which were brought on by a different Hand Cannon archetype have crippled what was meant to be a long range precision tool.
This thing actually very frickin powerful if you use it right. Why don't you try instead of whine
Give it aggressive ballistics so it can two tap. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
The First Curse is primarily a PVE weapon. It does massive damage and has been largely spared from the reserve ammo problems and range problems that afflicted other hand cannons. But it has always been a tricky, unforgiving weapon to use in PVP.
Edited by Man at Arms: 4/25/2017 6:10:17 PMCould use a very small increase to rate of fire and a very small increase to range. Sad for the state of this arch type. Good for stealing kills. That's about all. I do have a decent Lingering Song with LITC. Need to use it more.
Ace of Spades Thorn Truth The Here After Dragons Breath The Stag Astrocyte Verse Empyrean Bellicose The Glass House Achlyophage Symbiote Khepri's Sting Alchemist Rainment Skull of Dire Ahamkara Knucklehead Radar etc.......... Is an abdolute waste of an exotic
It was good until the palindrome showed up
[quote]he**[/quote] I didn't know heat was a swear word. Or was it hear? Heck? Hell if I know.
The First Curse was always bad, though. That's the curse.
It's a tricky gun to use. If you miss your head shots a good player will make you pay for it
Edited by spaceghostyami: 4/25/2017 11:50:53 AMThey do this thing called blanket nerfs. Yunno, where they lazily take every weapon in a class and break even the worst ones? Yeah, they don't work worth crap.
is Hardlight any good yet?
All exotics are now due to Pvp.
First curse is clearly meant as the over last word using it in PvP is pointless
Im gonna be completely honest, i used to love using this weapon due to its metronome-like playstyle. But now i cant use the weapon at all due to the nerfs.
Sounds like someone has a case of the mondays
You've got to play sneaky or campy with TFC, it's where it shines. If you don't feel bad robbing everyone else's kills then play behind someone and clean up. You'll be surprised how many kills you get with it. In PvE is an absolute monster, you can hit 20+ straight bullets with it, lol.
90% of exotics are
Handcannons in general are not in a great place unless you have a god roll with all the range perks it can have. The Hawkmoon is my favorite exotic in the game but the range is trash if you use agressive ballistics and the recoil is way to wild to land consistent shots if you use anything else. I do not have the first curse as I am lazy but I feel it should be able to hit at the same distance as most pulses after you get a headshot kill.
The gun is awesome if you give it a real chance
It is and always was a PvE gun. My favourite HC. There is a reason for why it has tripple tap. Why would someone use high impact HCs in the Crucible...
It's Josh The Hamster .
It was a great idea but the way the weapon mechanics or mechanics in general in Destiny isn't balanced and will never be balanced.
Different strokes for different folks. TFC is a gun that takes a certain finesse to do well with. It plays more to a passive style than the typical charge in full throttle that most people go with (and most "good" weapons support). You need to pick you're battles. If you sit back, use cover, and take it slow, it's a great weapon.
Edited by Maggz: 4/24/2017 11:56:46 AMIf you don't like First Curse, then you're honestly not all that great at this game or using hand cannons man. Sorry... [spoiler]...not really sorry though...[/spoiler]
There really are no exotics worthy of being called exotic. You can thank bungies inability to separate pve from pvp for that.
I've always felt [armory]First Curse[/armory] should have the most range of all Hand Cannons. Heck, even [armory]Ace of Spades[/armory] has more range than it!