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originally posted in:The New Dojo
originally posted in: THE DOJO
4/22/2017 11:27:31 PM
The Illusive Man paced around the area, Cerberus generals and soldiers around him. "Today, I'm tell you that we're ready to win...Brooks may be the enemy all of us want to kill, but she's done something no other person, not even the Batarians dared to do." He explained. ------------------------ Cerberus dreadnoughts engage the Alliance 2nd, 3rd, and 5th Fleets, Arcturus Station burning and parts of it exploding. ------------------------- "And now, thanks to that, we'll have to try even harder to hide our operations while commuting to the Alliance...even if some of my old operatives have to die for it." The Illusive Man continued to explain. ------------------------ Miranda walks up in some sort of facility, a tattooed-woman giving a devilish grin. "Been a while, cheerleader." She says, Miranda simply giving a look of somewhat anger. ------------------------ " must realize...WE...HAVE A CHANCE!" He says, starting to yell. ---------------------------- The [i]SSV Deimos[/i], Geth, and Turian fighters travel through Turian and Asari dreadnoughts firing at one another, the [i]Destiny Ascension[/i] in clear view (it was firing at a turian dreadnought). --------------------------- "We have a chance to regain humanity's lead them to a new future!" The Illusive Man continued, becoming more louder. ------------------------------ "WE ARE....KROGAN!" Wrex and Grunt shouted together, them and thousands of Krogan charging at Cerberus Guardians, Turrets, Atlas mechs, and gunships firing upon them _--------------------------- "There will be NO evil, NO discord, and NO crime! We will lead humanity into the spotlight!" He continued, the Cerberus troopers getting more excited. -------------------------- Liara looked outside the window, seeing someone behind her. She turned around and fired a Singularity, while the Adept Shepard fired a Warp her way, the two blasts going in slow motion. ----------------------- "NOW...who's with me?!" He finishes, the Cerberus forces cheering on. ----_______________________ A bloodied and bruised Brooks, Val, and Vanguard Shep looked to each other before Val and Brooks launch a kick toward one another. -------------------------------- Merrick looked toward something, Silsia looking to the point on the verge of crying behind him. He put a hand up to his mask, steam coming out of it...before he took off the entire mask. [spoiler] (Sorry for it being so long.) Closed. Teaser Trailer for what's happening for the summer and early fall.[/spoiler]

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