I will be here ready to collect all your salty tears; when you realise that you have thrown $100 at your screen for more rehashed cut content from Vanilla Destiny.
Edit: Trending!!!!! Notice me Senpai!
Thanks for all your lovely comments and upvotes guys, your kindness has brough tears to my eyes <3
Can we get 50 Likes?
[quote]I will be here ready to collect all your salty tears; when you realise that you have thrown $100 at your screen for more rehashed cut content from Vanilla Destiny. #truth Edit: Trending!!!!! Notice me Senpai! Thanks for all your lovely comments and upvotes guys, your kindness has brough tears to my eyes <3 Can we get 50 Likes?[/quote] Hopefully it will have more content than a two hour campaign mixed with a raid and 5 strikes. But....I doubt it. I would buy it if it had a horizontal progression system as opposed to the vertical light system we have now a well. Infusion is a good start but it should be made irrelevant after getting to end game level